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The history of aether
送交者: jingchen 2024年03月07日07:55:34 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

The history of aether 

To understand special relativity, it is essential to know aether. Here is a brief history of aether, from copilot.

The concept of aether has a fascinating history in the realm of physics. Let’s delve into its evolution:

  1. Early Notions:

  2. Luminiferous Aether:

  3. Challenges and Decline:

  4. Modern Physics:

In summary, the development of aether theories spanned centuries, from Newton’s musings to Maxwell’s electromagnetic insights, ultimately paving the way for our current understanding of light and the absence of a detectable aether in modern physics. 🌟🔬

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