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送交者: muchomoney 2006年01月08日14:19:34 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

I don't think it is simply an issue of saving money on clothing. Depression is caused by overly long period of parental dictation, mental suppression, and anti-social teaching from the parents. let me be extremely frank from here on..

many chinese parents have little understanding american culture, traditions, and western ethics. And a lot of them are strong-willed and opinionated, refusing to adopt the new way of life in this country. They impose their pothetic (sp) thinking on kids and as a result thoroughly confuse their kids mentally and psychologically. One can see this behavior in this board. They refuse to open up their minds, accept new things, and live in a socially outcast environment.

The kids living in this type of environment get conflicting signals everyday in their lives. How could it not drive them crazy? they are crazy, except that their craziness is reflected in different aspect of their lives, some subtal, others more pronounced...

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