Top Ten Things You Need to Know for the Teenage Years |
送交者: fatherofateen 2004年06月28日02:25:26 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话 |
The article was written by my 14-year-old daughter. Please comment on it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Keep good friendships. Friendships are what people generally consider something they can’t live without. For girls, those friends that you go to the mall with. For guys, those that you have water fights with. Friends are an inseparable part of growing up. When you get into fights with them, you usually end up hurting yourself unconsciously rather than hurting the other person. There is no point to being mad at your friend. Remind them of your feeling and how you feel but in a nice tone. Truly care for them instead of using them. Good friendships take time but with lots of patience and practice, your friendships will be pretty much smooth sailing. 9. When in doubt, dress to please the parent. Fashion declares that sometimes we dress skimpy or that we should bare a little more skin that we ought to. On the first day of school, when many teens are planning their “Welcome Back!” outfits, keep in mind that this is what your teacher will be seeing too. A lot if people judge people by first impressions. If you dress to please your friends, then remember that you may accidentally leave your new teachers with the wrong impression. A good rule of thumb that is handy for any clothing is, if your parents wouldn’t mind be seen in public with you and the outfit you are wearing, then you’ll be fine. If you think they would mind, then you may be better off wearing something else. 8. Your teacher wants you to do well at school. No matter how difficult they sometimes seem to be, they chose this job: to help their students learn. They care if you make the grade or not, and they when they do yell or seem angry with the class, they actually just feel disappointed that their class, which can do better, has not performed to the best that it can. Keep trying and don’t feel disappointed if they get upset at you. One day soon, you will be able to do it to their standards. 7. Don’t be pressured. During the teenage years, much more than the others, people are pressured into doing something they really don’t want to do. Most of the time, the motive is to be “cool,” or the motive is to fit in. The “bullies” first come and lower your self-esteem. Like the rhyme, “Sticks and stones might break my bones, but words will last forever,” they use teasing and cause hurt that is sometimes beyond repair. Then comes the pressuring. It often is, “If you don’t do this then we won’t do this” kind of pressuring. It is hurtful and selfish. Do you want to be a puppet with other people pulling on the stings? Don’t give in. Don’t let others manipulate your thinking. 6. Talk to a mentor. This is an extremely good tip for teens, for many teens have proven this very successful. Choose a person that you look up to, both in knowledge and spiritually, and tell that person your troubles and the things that you’re glad of. You should pick a person that is close and trusted to your family, yet not a part of it. (i.e. not your sibling, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles etc.) They should give you intelligent advice and challenge you to think about the situation. You should be able to learn a lot about life and its trials. 5. Establish a routine. This will organise and keep your life in order. It will let you plan and be able to spend your time effectively. You will have more time to spend with your friends and family. The keys to organisational success are that you stick to it and that you try to eliminate as many useless things as possible. This will keep all your time for good use and let you live your life. 4. Keep a diary. Right now, it may seem like a boring chore to do everyday, but when you grow up a little you will see the beneficial effects of it. It keeps your feelings and track, and it also records the mistakes that you’ve made so you will, hopefully, not make the same errors again. It helps to reflect on the past and plan for the future. It is also a place to record your hopes and dreams so you will have a place to store it and keep in check with it. The results are incredible for such little work as to putting the ups and downs of the day. 3. Keep good relationships with your family members. They are your support system. No matter how mad, how sad, how happy, they are there for you, to stand by you and help you. Unlike friends, who will sometimes leave you, these are the people who you’re “stuck” with. They are technically your best friends, and no matter what, they will always love you. 2. Have a positive attitude. This is one of the most important keys for success. It gets you out of sticky situations, and teaches you to focus on more important aspects of life than what is just apparent. For example, many people exaggerate and say that they need something or else they will cry. Well, if they don’t get what they want, they sulk around and are grumpy to everyone. If you have a positive attitude, your face glows, you attract many people, and you will feel better inside too. Look on the bright side, but also remember, you will occasionally feel like your world is crashing. Don’t worry. It’s only human to feel like that, but try to be happy and positive towards everything when you can. 1. Love life! This is one of the simplest commands anyone could give. It’s very simple, yet it is very powerful. Love life and everyone in it. You will feel happy and blessed and you will feel like you have done something great for the world. Everyday is good in our life. If you don’t believe, you miss one. Enjoy! |
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