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The Three Space Lobsters (儿子写的fair tale with a twist)
送交者: 博迪 2004年06月24日16:07:48 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

前些时候, 儿子的老师在班里搞了一次写作活动, 让孩子们写一个fair tale with
a twist, 并且配插图, 装订成一本书. 这是儿子的爱好, 和我说起此事眉飞色舞
的. 他所选的题材依然是有关太空方面的.

故事发生在某光年, 一个太空海洋的水下珊瑚礁岛上. 三只太空龙虾长大了, 要离
开长辈(bic-topus), 开始自己的独立生活. 在两个绿三眼 外籍人和四个红独眼外
籍人及六个机器人的帮助下, 他们建立了自己的房子。第一虾的房子看起来象牡蛎
壳, 第二虾的空间站象火山, 第三虾的空间站象一只带有飞碟和玻璃圆顶的巨型龙
虾. 在一个有红环的行星上, 有一个叫太空海鸥的恶魔, 及其同伙各种炸弹 摧毁
他们的房子. 第一, 二个房子被炸毁了. 当邪恶们想用导弹炸第三个房子时, 导弹
被一道红光截住了. 从此, 这只海鸥消失了, 三只龙虾快乐地生活在一起.

The Three Space Lobsters and their Victim the Space Gull

Once upon a light-year time, there was a space ocean and lived three space lobsters and the bic-topus. They all lived in a large, rocky dried coral in the space underwater island.

One light-year day, the bic-topus let the three lobsters go to build their own house since they grew old enough to leave their house. They are going to miss him and they all got into their rusty space anchor pods and left. They all headed to the black hole for their journey to find some materials to build their house.

Meanwhile, in a red ringed planet, lived the invaders, controlled by the Space Gull. He and his army was the entire universe’s biggest rival. They were now busy plotting how to destroy the three space lobsters’ houses. The evils just saw them fly into the black hole and vanished in a flash of dimmed light.

“It is time to DESTROY their houses!” said the evil Space Gull, holding his fist and laughing with and evil laugh. He and his army workouted several strategies. He also took out some weapons and crated of TNT explosives.

In the meantime, the Space Lobsters were flung right out of the tornado-looking black hole. They noticed lots of wanted posters on the walls which with their archenemy, the Space Gull. It was telling the citizens to watch out for him when were coming.

Back at the red ringed planet, the Space Gull and the army got into their invisible pods and headed toward the black hole and disappeared. Inside they went spiraling down.

At outside, the Space Lobsters went to the space workshop. They met some alien-life builders who were the pair of the green three-eyed aliens and four red one-eyed aliens. The remaining builders are the six robotic rovers. They help the three Space Lobsters build their own houses. Hours later, they finished and left. The Space Lobsters admired their houses.

Later, the Space Gull’s invisible pod hovered over the First Space Lobster’s house. It looked like an oyster shell space station. The Space Gull dropped an atomic bomb with tiny dynamite and exploded the First Space Lobster’s house. The First Space Lobster quickly got into his emergency pod and flew toward the Second Space Lobster’s space station which is like a volcano.

But the Space Gulls invisible pod hovered over, dropped an acid-filled bomb, and crushed the Second Space Lobster’s space station. The First and Second Space Lobsters got into their pods and flew towards the Third Space Lobster’s space station which is like a giant lobster with a flying saucer and glass dome capsule.

The entire space station is filled with water and outside is covered with armor shields. The Space Gull hovered over and dropped a missile, but the red light captured, and threw it toward the foe’s pod and explodes it. The Space Gull was never seen again. And the three Space Lobsters lived together happily ever after.

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