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送交者: 2daughters 2004年10月25日17:07:33 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

My Deep-Sea Dive(命题)(Undited)October/12/2004

One day I went on a deap sea dive。 I jumped in the waves。 My parents said to be home by dinner。I went to a place。Where I found the Titanic,I saw 13 sharks gauarding it!Then,a dolphin said I‘ll help you find the treasure。So hold on to my dworsal fin。 So I held on to his dworsal fin, He took me past the 13 garding sharks and he kept swimming really fast then he slwoed。 He bought me to a room with a chest。 I opened the chest inside was nothing but fish and sand!Silly sharks!After that I saw a volacano and it blasted!Instead of lava their was ice because the water was cold。 Then I rode on a whale sharks back! I loved it。I took pictures with my water camera。 Then I had fun, played,and swam。 Now I can tell about my adventures,and go home now。 So I said good_bye as I swam away to the shore and got home just in time to do my chores and after that to do dinner so it would be faster to get to eat。

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