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送交者: 孑孓^0^ 2008月11月28日17:08:45 于 [七荤八素] 发送悄悄话
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Corn Bread
3 table spoon of unsalted butter (melted)
3 cups milk
1 pack of Jiffy corn meal mixture
2 eggs well beaten

in a sauce pan, bring milk to a boil over high heat. While whisking, pour in corn meals. whisk vigorously for about 1 minute.
remove the pan from the heat and let the mixture to cool to room temperature.
transfer the mixture to the bowl of a standing mix fitted with a paddle attachment.
add melted butter and eggs and mix on medium speed about 15 minutes.
spray a 9" round or 8x8 square pan with non-stick spray.
pour mixture into the pan
bake at at 350 degree for about 1 hour ad 20 minutes.
server immediately
  1111 - wsqs 02/06/09 (230)
    22222 - wsqs 02/06/09 (191)
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