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送交者: 老廣2 2007年05月02日05:27:47 於 [七葷八素] 發送悄悄話

That SOMEBODY told me I made some mistakes in the first post, so the changes. :-)

Took these three pictures last year.
The grapevines are very invasive. This picture shows inside of my patio.

The grapevines grow on top of my bird house.

Making good red wine has a lot to do with the grapes. How ripe the grapes
are and how sweet are the grapes all make the difference.

The following is for making 5 gallon of red wine.


A 15 Gallon pail, A 5 Gallon pail, Air bubbler, Hydrometer.


Grapes (15-20lbs), Yeast (4 teaspoon), Sugar (9lbs), water(5gal)


1. Dissolve the yeast with 4 teaspoons of sugar in a cup of tepid water (slightly
warm just as the way you dissolve the yeast to make bread) and set for about
half hour (when you see it bubbles, then it is ok).

2. In the 15 gallon pail, put in the grapes(discard the stems). Now it is
time to work. You can crush the grapes whatever way you like. The Italians
crush grapes with their feet. :-) After the grapes are crushed well, mix
in all the sugar, water, and the yeast water. Then stir well the mixture.
Cover the pail and set aside for fermenting about 2-3 weeks under room temperature.
Push down the grape skins a couple of times a day.

The big one is the 15 gallon pail with cover.

3. In another week or so, you may use the Hydrometer to check the alcohol
level and the sweetness. General, I like my red wine to be with around 14%
of alcohol. That means the hydrometer reading should be at around 30% for
this primary fermentation. If the alcohol level is not to your liking yet,
then add some water to dilute or add more sugar to strengthen the alcohol
level. I haven't had to do that yet.

4. Next step is to drain the wine into the 5 gallon pail. There is a special
wine drainer, which I forgot to take a picture but you can get it from stores
that sell wine making kits. When transferring the wine, do not stir the
wine. Just let it flow slowly. Notice the top of the pail, that is air bubbler(
should called fermentation lock), which is for releasing carbon dioxide
from the pail. You need to fill with a little bit water. There is instruction
in the packaging box.

5. The second fermenting may take a couple of weeks or more. When you count
the bubbles come up less than two times per minute, then the wine is ready
to bottle. After bottling, it is better to store them in refrigerator or
a cool place to stabilize the wine for aging. Although it is good to drink
right away.

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