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sw126【 中秋节 】about moon cake
送交者: sw126 2006年09月25日05:25:48 于 [七荤八素] 发送悄悄话

I am from countryside. The moon cake was so expensive when I was small. Every moon festival, we could only buy one 500g moon cake. The cake was not like Guangdongese style. It was the typical northern style one, very hard and contained crystal sugar and something slse. My mom cut it into about twenty pieces and everybody in the family got two pieces. My mom very often took none or only took one piece. I did not realize we have so different moon cake until I got to Guangzhou. The pity for me is that my mom never had a chance to try the Guangdongese moon cake. And the pain I have always is that my mom never had a chance to have what she supposed to have when we all grow up and have families. She never had a chance to enjoy life!

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