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送交者: 艺萌 2014年05月13日05:53:18 于 [影视娱乐] 发送悄悄话
Mama Liked The Roses......Lyrics: Oh, mama liked the roses she grew them in the yard But Winter always came around and made the growing way too hard Oh, mama liked the roses and when she had the time She'd decorate the living room, for all us kids to see When I hear the Sunday bells ringing in the morning I remember crying when she used to sing Oh, mama liked the roses but most of all she cared About the way we learned to live And if we said our prayers You know I kept the family bible With a rose that she saved inside It was pressed between the pages Like it had found a place to hide Oh, mama liked the roses in such a special way We bring them every Mother's Day And put them on her grave Oh, mama liked the roses Mmmm Mama liked the roses Mom Mom I am very happy because I am returning to you my song is telling you that it is the most beautiful day for me mom I am very happy why should we live apart? Mom, only for you my song flies mom, you will stay with me you'll not be alone anymore how much I love you these words of love that my heart is whispering to you maybe are not longer used Mom, but my most beautiful song is you you are my life and for the rest of my life I'll never leave you again I can feel your tired hand looking for my golden curls I can hear, and your voice is a whisper the lullaby of back then today, your white head I want to hold tight to my heart.
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