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“True love never goes away"
送交者: 曾華 2024年07月16日13:32:28 於 [影視娛樂] 發送悄悄話

“True love never goes away" 

Lyrics by Hua Zeng 5-18-2022
Composing/Singing by Suno Ai

[intro ]

[verse1 ]
There was a love in the past
I thought it was long gone
It reappeared in my dream last night
I can't forget you

[verse 2 ]
My willfulness in the past made me lose you
I say sorry to you
You will always live in my heart

[pre-chorus ]
You are still the same you
I am still the same me
Time has left no trace
This love is still so deep

[verse 3 ]
Dreams will not lie
Hearts don't want to pretend

That true love remains
It turns out that it has always been there

The love always there
True love never goes away

[chorus ]
You are still the same you
I am still the same me
Time has left no trace
This love is still so deep in my heart

My willfulness in the past made me lose you
I say sorry to you
You will always live in my heart
You will always live in my heart

[instrumentals break ]

[chorus ]
You are still the same you
I am still the same me
Time has left no trace
This love is still so deep in my heart

My willfulness in the past made me lose you
I want to say sorry to you
You will always
You will always live in my heart
You will always live in my heart

[chorus ]
You are still the same you
I am still the same me
Time has left no trace
This love is still so deep in my heart

My willfulness in the past made me lose you
I say sorry to you
You will always live in my heart
You will always live in my heart

[instrumentals break ]

[chorus ]
You are still the same you
I am still the same me
Time has left no trace
This love is still so deep in my heart

My willfulness in the past made me lose you
I want to say sorry to you
You will always
You will always live in my heart
You will always live in my heart

[fading away ]

[Outro ]

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