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“My little shrimp boy”
送交者: 曾華 2024年09月07日13:28:39 於 [影視娛樂] 發送悄悄話

“My little shrimp boy”

Lyrics by Frank Zhao
Composing by Suno Ai + Hua Zeng
Singing by Suno Ai
Veed.io text-to-video by Hua Zeng

[intro ]

Ohm, oh, oh

[verse 1 ]
We met that evening at the lake
You, tiny but cute
had not been expected
But with me you came
all the way to your new home
(oh, your new home)

[upbeat ]

[bridge ]
Here you stayed and played
Merrily and happily for a while

[downbeats ]
Then suddenly
you disappeared somewhere
But I don’t know where

[sadly ]

For the time you were absent
I looked for you with eyes widely opened
Still I could not find you anywhere

[pre-chorus ]
At the place you are supposed to be around
Nobody knows where you are to be found

[instrumental break ]

At the place you are supposed to be around
Nobody knows where you are to be found

[uplifting ]

[chorus ]
Two days ago you appeared alone
Surprisingly from no where to our world
So mysterious your going and coming
That we all wonder where you had been
And where are your other relatives now resting?

Wooohhh ……

So mysterious your going and coming
That we all wonder where you had been

[emotional, dynamic ]

Mmm, mmmm
My little shrimp boy

My lovely little baby shrimp

Mmm, mmm, mmm

[fading away ]

[Outro ]

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