Remembering Jacqueline du Pré 1—6 |
送交者: 林彆扭 2010年11月07日21:13:44 於 [影視娛樂] 發送悄悄話 |
Remembering Jacqueline du Pre consists partly of material that has been seen before, but is here presented in a new context for two reasons: it was made first to celebrate what would have been her fiftieth birthday on 26 January 1995 and, second to raise money for the Jacqueline du Pré Memorial building on the grounds of St. Hilda's College, Oxford. Film made by Christopher Nupen. 據說匈牙利大提琴家Starker有次乘車,聽見廣播裡正播放大提琴曲,問旁人是誰演奏的。旁人說是:Du Pré 。Starker說:“像這樣演奏,她肯定活不長久。”一語成讖!
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