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Hold My Hand by Akon feat Michael Jackson
送交者: 鄉下紳士 2010年11月17日18:28:47 於 [影視娛樂] 發送悄悄話



Akon feat Michael Jackson - Hold My Hand Lyrics

This life don’t last forever (hold my hand)
So tell me what we’re waitin’ for (hold my hand)
Better off being together (hold my hand)
Than being miserable alone (hold my hand)

Cause I’ve been there before
And you’ve been there before
But together we can be alright.
Cause when it gets dark and when it gets cold
We can just hold each other till we see the sunlight

So if you just hold my hand
Baby I promise that I’ll do all I can
Things will get better if you just hold my hand
Nothing can come in between us if you just hold, hold my, hold my, hold my hand.

The nights are getting darker (hold my hand)
And there’s no peace inside (hold my hand)
So why make our lives harder (hold my hand)
By fighting love, tonight.

Cause I’ve been there before
And you’ve been there before
But together we can be alright.
Cause when it gets dark and when it gets cold
We can just hold each other till we see the sunlight

So if you just hold my hand
Baby I promise that I’ll do all I can
Things will get better if you just hold my hand
Nothing can come in between us if you just hold my hand

Hold My Hand這首歌的作者克勞德-凱利(Claude Kelly)接受記者採訪時表示,這首歌原本是寫給惠特妮-休斯頓的,結果被阿肯半途截留,還拿來跟邁克爾-傑克遜合唱,他事先一點也不知道,因此,當他聽到邁克爾的聲音時,他完全被震住了。一向獨來獨往的Michael最後一首絕唱《Hold My Hand》卻是和後現代黑人歌手Akon(阿肯)的合唱。 其中Michael Jackson多為伴唱,但其優美的歌聲為《Hold My Hand》添光不少。這也成了Michael Jackson生前發表的最後一首歌,其實這首歌是邁克傑遜原本在時隔6年後打算在09年發表的新作品,同時這首歌的合唱者阿肯也打算把它收錄在自己的專輯,當中不過由於遭到提前泄露,使得唱片公司在倉促中未能來得及大加宣傳,這首歌曲也只得以靜悄悄的形式和大家見面,使得成為一大遺憾。因為是意外被泄露所以這首歌的宣傳和推廣自始至終是毫無準備。雖然這首歌邁克傑克遜只是擔任配唱這一角色,但是他的單純之舉卻成為邁克傑克遜這位一代巨星的絕唱

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