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Goodbye (Alicia Keys)
送交者: beautiful life 2008年10月08日05:54:46 于 [影视娱乐] 发送悄悄话

Mhmn bye bye

How do you love someone
That hurts you oh so bad
With intentions good
Was all he ever had

But how do I let go when ive
Loved him for so long and ive
Given him all that I could
Maybe love is a hopeless crime
Giving up what seems your lifetime
What went wrong with something once so good

How do you find the words to say
To say goodbye
If your heart dont have the heart to say
To say goodbye

I know now I was naive
Never knew where this would lead
And Im not trying to take away
From the good man that he is

But how do I let go when ive
Loved him for so long and ive
Given him all that I could
Was it something wrong that we did
Because others infiltrated
What went wrong with something once so good

How do you find the words to say
To say goodbye
If your heart dont have the heart to say
To say goodbye

Is this the end are you sure
How should you know when youve never been here before
Its so hard to just let go
When this is the one and only love Ive ever known

So how do you find the words to say
To say goodbye
If your heart dont have the heart to say
To say goodbye

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