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醋治癒新冠病 立竿見影
送交者: 風瀟瀟 2023年01月04日03:10:51 於 [流行前線] 發送悄悄話

醋治癒新冠病 立竿見影




作者:高鵬屏蔽該用戶留言時間:2023-01-02 13:20:06

博主是個善良之人,但證據實在不足。另外,很多信息都是虛假的,比方說,James Lyons-Weiler,他不是新冠疫苗的研究者。

作者:風瀟瀟 回復 高鵬
留言時間:2023-01-02 14:17:57


作者:高鵬屏蔽該用戶留言時間:2023-01-02 14:52:16


醋治癒新冠病 立竿見影



Hotmail 停寄 超日限量 Jan.1, 2022 9-33Am.png






我見過報道,一位美國照料糖尿病等慢性病的營養專家說,Vinegar is a cure for all。有位母親說,她只用蜂蜜和食醋給孩子治病。一位美國男士,90歲時,遵從朋友推薦,日2粒500毫克醋膠囊,至95,一直健康。




鑑於某些人被西醫毒害,麻木不仁,喪失人性,2022329日,搜集已經寄出的電子郵件地址和聯繫人,整理為 The emails that I sent to request for uprooting pandemic


    謝謝,鞠躬敬禮 李洪德 2022年12月27日,於加拿大

布洛芬致新冠病猝死 食醋是萬能藥

  ---布洛芬全面損傷人體 可能導致新冠病康復後 突然死亡

 李洪德 2022年12月26日,凌晨 2:19 於加拿大

 https://blog.creaders.net/user_blog_diary.php?did=NDUxODcw   http://www.kwcg.ca/bbs/blog-61910-17820.html





還有,可能與布洛芬有關的死亡。2022年12月30日,《著名航天專家感染後去世,年僅58歲:轉陰後加班到深夜,進ICU當天不治身亡 》,近日,航天二院的某型號總技術負責人李君龍被感染後,在家只休息了幾天,剛轉陰就立即復工,復工當天他便加班到深夜,再度發燒,被送醫院ICU搶救,無效,當天離世。

下面是我譯自美國衛生系統藥劑師協會主辦的國家醫學圖書館 National Library of Medicine,有關布洛芬的作用機理和副作用的說明。







1. 便秘,2. 腹瀉,3. 漲氣或腹漲,4. 頭暈,5. 緊張,6. 耳鳴。


7. 無法解釋的體重增加,8.  呼吸急促或呼吸困難,9.  腹部、腳、腳踝或小腿腫脹,10. 發熱,11. 水泡,12. 皮疹, 13.  瘙癢,14. 麻疹,15. 眼睛、臉、喉嚨、手臂或手腫脹,16. 呼吸困難或吞咽困難,17. 嘶啞,18,過度疲勞,19. 胃的右上部疼痛,20. 噁心,21. 食欲不振,22. 皮膚或眼睛發黃,23. 流感樣症狀,24. 蒼白的膚色,25. 快速的心跳,26. 渾濁、變色或帶血的尿液,27. 背痛,28. 排尿困難或疼痛,29. 視力模糊、色覺改變或其他視力問題,30. 眼睛發紅或疼痛,31. 落枕,32. 頭痛,33. 困惑,34. 脾氣變得暴躁易怒。





正是這個雙盲臨床試驗的龜腚,令世人像癮君子痴迷海洛因一樣迷信西醫,鬼迷心竅,無視西藥化學合成藥,不斷地製造悲劇,不斷第上演:上市 - 殺人 - 召回 - 歇菜。因為是經過了雙盲臨川實驗的驗證,殺人合法,沒有責任人。




研究報告 布洛芬增加心臟病瘁死風險







牛津大學全球統計 布洛芬促心臟病發作


新冠患者服用布洛芬 也許是產生白肺的原因









人類的自我恢復能力 證明了中醫恢復陰陽平衡的生理基礎

研究表明,腦細胞是可以再生的。但是,多數情況下,是啟用現有的神經元。在我們的一生中,大腦中的神經元的功能,根據需要,持續進行適應性重新配置。有很多自愈的案例,尤其是切除受傷的半腦後,生活正常的人。MRI 腦部掃描顯示,不是被切除的大腦重新生長恢復,而是,僅存的半腦,自適應地重新配置現存的神經元,形成已經被切除的大腦的神經元的功能。這證明了中醫通過恢復陰陽平衡治病生理基礎的存在。

現代西醫心理作用研究 證明了三分治七分養的正確性

1955年,西醫醫生畢闕博士發現沒有藥物的安慰劑,取得50-60%的臨床治癒,這個比例,接近中醫三分治七分養的比例。此後,西醫醫學對心理對健康影響研究的報道不斷。2008年1月8日,一項跨越心理學、醫學、神經科學和遺傳學學科的研究Report: Stress Causes Everything《心理壓力引起一切疾病》說,坦率地講,心理壓力對你有害,它可以殺死你。研究表明,心理壓力會導致從牙齦到心臟的各種疾病惡化,並且會使您更容易患上從普通感冒到癌症的各種疾病。




現代西醫藥理研究 證明了中醫複方用藥的科學性

1980 年代,德國政府組織了約 300 多項植物藥物臨床研究,發表報告Phytomedicine Research in Germany說,植物藥具有與化學藥物完全等效的治療效果,同時,具有沒有副作用的優勢。草藥及其提取物製劑的作用機制,在許多方面與合成藥物或單一物質的作用機制不同,可以表述為多價作用,或者是增效作用。文章特別提到,在德國,臨床上,自然藥物與合成藥物同等對待使用,納入政府的醫療保險。


2013 年 11 月 14 日,路易斯安那州、健康科學中心、斯坦利斯科特癌症中心的學者發表文章Simultaneous Inhibition of Cell-Cycle, Proliferation, Survival, Metastatic Pathways and Induction of Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cells by a Phytochemical Super-Cocktail: Genes That Underpin Its Mode of Action《通過植物化學超級雞尾酒同時抑制乳腺癌細胞的細胞周期、增殖、存活、轉移途徑和誘導細胞凋亡:支持其作用方式的基因》說,薑黃、大豆、茶、葡萄、西蘭花、大蒜、番茄、迷迭香、歐芹和姜,單獨應用,它們對癌症無效。但是,一旦合用,在實驗室條件下,抑制了80%以上的乳腺癌細胞的生長,並最終引發了導致細胞死亡的過程。

2019年9月30日,文章 Fruit fly trial unlocks clues for 'polypill' to beat aging《三聯常用藥物組合使果蠅壽命延長48%》報道,英國倫敦大學的研究人員發現,鋰、曲美替尼和雷帕黴素,單獨使用,可分別延長果蠅平均壽命11%,將任意兩個合用,可以延長果蠅壽命30%,三者聯合,果蠅壽命的延長,高達48%。








正是這個雙盲臨床試驗的規定,令人如同癮君子痴迷海洛因一樣痴迷西醫是真正的科學醫學。然而,正是這個骨髓里邪惡的科學,不斷地製造人為悲劇,西藥不斷地上演:上市 - 殺人 - 召回 - 歇菜。因為是經過了雙盲臨川實驗的驗證,殺人合法,不追責任何人。

2022年12月29日, 文章《高血壓藥 Quinapril亞硝胺有致癌風險 藥廠回收》說,高血壓藥Quinapril所含亞硝胺(nitrosamine)成分長期吸收有致癌風險,藥廠Lupin Pharmaceuticals Inc. 已於上周主動回收。美國奧若賓多製藥廠(Aurobindo Pharma USA)也回收2批號Quinapril 和 Hydrochlorothiazide 藥丸。


2021116日,文章《不乾不淨吃了沒病 或許有了科學解釋》說:《細胞》發表了美國國立衛生研究院的研究結果,感染可通過訓練腸道菌群來提高宿主對於病原體的抵抗力。宿主體內微生物群為病原體的入侵提供了強大的屏障。然而,抗生素治療造成的附帶損害,通常伴隨着抗生素耐藥病原體擴增。在全球範圍內,抗生素耐藥病原體導致每年70多萬人死亡,並且在接下來的幾十年中,將繼續成為全球死亡率的主要原因。

新生兒使用抗生素 導致男孩發育遲緩





2020 年 5 月 7 日,文章 Doctors warn against claims that Beijing-touted health supplement distributed in Canada treats COVID-19 說,加拿大的醫生警告人們對使用草藥補充劑要謹慎,儘管蓮花清瘟膠囊符合加拿大的《食品和藥物法》和《天然保健品條例》的要求,並允許在加拿大的市場銷售,但是,加拿大衛生部發誓要採取行動制止任何關於產品可以預防、治療或治癒新冠病的虛假或誤導性聲明,在加拿大銷售未經授權的保健產品或做出虛假或誤導性聲明以預防、治療或治癒新冠病是非法的。該部門非常重視此事,並將採取行動制止這一活動。”

科學精神病人身攻擊 貢獻50%以上新冠病死亡


然而,2020年7月2日,文章 Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients 說,統計了從2020年3月至5月10日的羥氯喹治療效果。用羥氯喹治療的患者,死亡率為13%,沒有用羥氯喹治療的患者,死亡率為26.4%。




如上所述,蓮花清瘟共有160種生物活性組分。然而,2020年5月8日,文章《瑞典禁止進口連花清瘟:"成分只是薄荷醇"》說:瑞典藥管局與海關署將連花清瘟描述為未經許可不得從申根區以外的國家運輸的藥物,並將其扣留在邊境。瑞典分子細胞生物學教授丹·拉罕馬爾(Dan Larhammar)說,連花清瘟聲稱包含約13種草藥,但事實上成分只有薄荷醇


科學精神病的劣行 令我寫文章語言刻薄


請您搜索,封殺蓮花清瘟膠囊的國家很多,不僅僅是加拿大和瑞典。請您試試貼出有關治療新冠病的帖子,無論對與錯,都立刻被封殺。無論是在文章後,Facebook上,還是 YouTube,都是如此。


食醋萬能治百病 治癒新冠病極其容易 







早在2020年1月23日,我就寫了《食用醋、Vc、B3和中藥能快速治癒2019新型冠狀病毒肺炎》,兩周后,2月8日,譯成英文Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus發表在我自己的博客上。文章《針對哺乳動物呼吸道殺毒 停止新型冠狀病毒感染的流行》,介紹了我用食用醋治療和預防新型冠狀病毒感染的想法,源自中醫用醋治病的記載和我對醋的化學結構的分析。







針對呼吸道殺毒 停止病毒複製

此外,次氯酸鹽的LD50為330g/50kg,是食醋LD50 165g/50kg的一倍,因此,次氯酸比食醋更安全。自新冠疫情疫情爆發,全球廣泛使用,已經證明其安全性。日本,2002年,確認次氯酸對人體無害,10年使用對房屋無腐蝕;不產生二噁英;噴霧或浸泡食物都無氯殘留。美國,2014年,次氯酸用於食品生產,2016年,次氯酸用於傷口和感染。研究發現,人體中性粒細胞的殺毒成份是次氯酸,也就是說,哺乳動物誕生以來,是次氯酸在免疫。次氯酸療效廣泛,如,艾滋病和阿茲海默等。漂白粉和二氧化氯的療效將更好。


2020年,香港大學研究,鼻吸入100 pfu的新冠病毒,所有實驗鼠感染為重症,呼吸困難,體重下降。由於胃酸的消毒作用,口服100,000 pfu的高劑量新冠病毒,只有83%的實驗鼠被感染,都是無症狀。因此,最好的防治新冠病的方法,是針對呼吸道殺滅病毒,停止其復製發病。如此,制止人們獻身為病毒再生產服務,疫情自然消失。

因此,最有效的防治新冠疫情的方法,是針對呼吸道殺毒 停止病毒複製。每天一次,呼吸用食醋或者次氯酸產生的殺毒空氣,殺滅呼吸道的潛在病毒,避免其復製發病,人們就不懼怕疫情繼續,不怕病毒的存在,放心地從事社會活動,恢復疫情前的生活,發展經濟。

西醫醫學致邪專家和官員 麻木不仁


鑑於某些人被西醫毒害,麻木不仁,喪失人性,2022329日,搜集已經寄出的電子郵件地址和聯繫人,整理為 The emails that I sent to request for uprooting pandemic





最近,國內專家說變種新冠病毒感染為輕症,鼓勵打疫苗。可是,事實並非如此,2022年12月8日報道,California COVID hospitalizations soar 150% in a month 一月之內,加州新冠病住院增加150% ,2022年12月8日報道,Daily deaths in U.S. jump by 62% in a week 一周之內,美國新冠病死增62% 。新冠疫苗的注射率提高以後,才發現疫苗不但改寫DNA,後果難測,而且,而且,不是防止,而是促進感染,不是減少重症和死亡,而是促進重症和死亡

2022年12月24日,文章《美國最新研究發現: 接種疫苗後, 染疫率更高》,美國兩篇最新研究報告顯示,已經接種COVID-19疫苗的人比未接種疫苗的人更可能感染病毒。克利夫蘭醫學中心的研究指出,每次連續接種都會增加感染率。那些不曾接種疫苗的人們感染率最低。在印第安納的另一篇新研究發現,比起具有天然免疫力,或感染後自體痊癒且不曾接種疫苗的人,接種疫苗的人染疫率更高。研究發現,接種疫苗的人抵抗力很差,甚至是毫無免疫力。

新加坡發現,每十萬人口的新冠重症,沒接種疫苗的0.13人,接種疫苗的0.27人。2022年12月7日, 文章 Covid-19 Isn’t a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated Anymore,說,美國人於 2020 年 12 月接種第一劑新冠疫苗,時至今日,94% 的老人接種了疫苗,然而,老年人占新冠死亡,由最初的75%,增加到90%。美國傳染病專家福奇說,我們不能‘與病毒共存’,因為,我們不能根除它。只有天花做到了,因為病毒不變異,疫苗能賦予終生的免疫力。

早在2022年2月21日,我就寫了文章 Some medical experts are in acting as the Killer aid of SARS-CoV-2《一些醫學專家正在作新冠病毒殺人的助手》http://www.kwcg.ca/bbs/blog-61910-12489.html。看看被智障胡鬧氣得辭職的白宮新冠狀疫情顧問Scott Atlas教授的嘆息,我說的沒錯。


    ---  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6kmm70ji5c

西醫欺騙大眾 還在高價買布洛芬











2021年2月19日,香港大學醫學院微生物學系教授、艾滋病研究所所長陳志偉團隊在頂級期刊 Cell Host & Microbe 上發表研究成果 Robust SARS-CoV-2 infection in nasal turbinates after treatment with systemic neutralizing antibodies《新冠疫苗作用被高估,無法抑制病毒在上呼吸道的侵染》,表明:



3. 在臨床治療中,中和抗體對病毒在鼻甲中的侵染同樣無能為力。



我要特別指出,美國化學家萊納斯.鮑林就是調整分子醫學Orthomolecular Medicine的創建者之一。國內譯為正分子醫學,不確切,應譯為調整分子醫學。維生素,礦物質和此類營養型添加劑,都屬於調整分子醫學藥物,是為了調節人體內為健康所需的物質的濃度,優化人體生化環境,令身體保持良好的健康狀態或治療疾病。




日前,法國南部退休教授 Jean-Bernard Fourtillan 因質疑新冠疫苗,被警察從家中強行帶走,關進 Uzès當地的一家精神病院。目前,他的手機等所有與外界聯繫的通訊手段都被收走,狀況不得而知。這位教授因敢言而著稱,不相信新冠疫苗,而多年前就反對給兒童注射疫苗,稱疫苗中有佐劑或導致自閉症及其他神經損害。



現在有醫生站出來,明確稱新冠疫苗含有毒成分,可造成人體免疫力疾病。最近在美國賓州舉辦的醫學自由新聞發布會上,執教於賓州大學的James Lyons-Weiler博士表示,幾大製藥公司研製的新冠疫苗中存在引起人體自身免疫性疾病的成分,在推向市場前,未做剔除。他進而解釋,針對以往的新冠疫苗研製,效果一直不理想,大量實驗動物在接種後死亡。

作為新冠疫苗研究者,James Lyons-Weiler博士給出的解釋是,疫苗中的一些蛋白質成分是致病或致死因素,本來Covid-19病毒中就有攻擊人體免疫系統的某些蛋白質成分,而疫苗中含有相同的成分,等於沒有對症下藥,甚至是激化了致病因。他還遺憾地表示,自己與幾大醫藥巨頭溝通都無下文,而隨着幾種疫苗的相繼問世和普及性接種,他非常揪心新冠疫苗會產生後患無窮的危害性。

Jean-Bernard Fourtillan 教授與 James Lyons-Weiler 博士不是孤獨的質疑者,這一行列中的醫學工作者有名有姓站出來的已多達10萬,但他們的聲音被極度壓制下來。



以下是摘錄於我的英文文章 醋的健康保健作用

The mechanism of human intelligence and the humanization of social governance


5.4.. Drug concept revolution: The electronegativities of atoms in polar chemicals can be used for therapy

 As mentioned above, I infer that the virus killing and full cover therapeutic effect of vinegar come from the electronegativities of the oxygen atoms in vinegar molecule. The electronegativities are able to destroy the covalent bonded viruses and bacteria in regardless of the types or mutations; while, the electronegativities are also able to trigger the physiological activities of covalent bonded human body to produce therapeutic effect that is able to exceed the effect of any current medications and which is the reason that vinegar has broad therapeutic effects that almost benefit all of the diseases.

Then according to above inference, we may find and develop more and powerful medicinal compounds to serve human being in disease treatment.  

According to article Interactive Periodic Table of Elements, the concept of electronegativity is basically figure of the tendency of a given chemical’s atom to attract the pair of electrons. This attraction tendency of an atom is affected by its electronegativity numbers. The more is the value of electronegativity for a given chemical element the stronger would be its attraction of electrons. 

See Interactive Periodic Table of Elements  


According to the value of electro-negativity from large to small, the order of the atoms should be F (4.0) > O (3.5) > Cl (3.0) = N (3.0) > Br (2.8) > C (2.5) = I (2.5) = S (2.5).

Above order of the atoms provide an inspiration for finding or developing more powerful compound for medicinal use.

I am sure that many existing chemical compounds have magic therapeutic effects than that of vinegar doing, but the wrongful adopted philosophy Reductionism misguided Western medicine cultured people ignore that. The terrible is that, by the pretext of unsafe, some people reject the use of those chemical compounds that have proved magic therapeutic effect.

Many of Western medicine cultured people have no rational sense that any drugs have LD50 as warning for use in safe. Any medicinals need to explore the optimal dosage in safe and effective.

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5.4.1... Vinegar keeps me a healthy teeth and away from snoring and apnea

Jan. 26, 2020, in article Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases, I introduced my friendly associates with vinegar.

Since about my 30, my teeth has been in the state of uncertainty of sore when eating or drinking of cold, hot, or sour. Tried with various medicinal toothpastes to brush them, but still doesn't work well.

In 2017, the two lower teeth in the middle are loose, and they have been in the state of trying to split up with me. When eating, I had to be very careful.

One day, I thought that since vinegar can kill bacteria, why not try to gargle my teeth with vinegar, the effect is very good. Later, I bought a small toothbrush, after eating something; I cleaned the teeth with the toothbrush dipped in 0.05% vinegar and then gargle my mouth with 0.05% vinegar, and then rinsed my mouth with water to wash the vinegar away. Otherwise, the teeth feel bad.

The picture below shows the lower teeth of right now, which just taken with a mobile phone when I writing to here. The gums have grown and are firm. The roots are not dark anymore. I was no longer worrying about them splitting with me since the start of gargling my teeth with vinegar.


Since cleaning my teeth with vinegar, the cold, hot, and sour are all powerless to my teeth, and I have been enjoying the most comfortable teeth since my 30.

Vinegar can avoid snoring and apnea

Jan. 26, 2020, in article Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases, I indicate that “According to my personal experience, vinegar can immediately stop a runny nose, stop cough by eliminating swelling and itching of the respiratory tract, eliminate sticky sputum that can't be coughed out in the throat, and thereby reducing snoring and apnea.”

“Autopsy showed that a large amount of mucus blocked the bronchial airway inside the lungs, and then asphyxia caused the death of patients with new coronary pneumonia. Vinegar can eliminate snot and sticky sputum; it certainly can reduce the mucus from the bronchial airway inside the lungs.”

I feel that snoring and apnea are caused by the sticky sputum in throat, which cannot be coughed up, and stuck small tongue, so that makes it unable to close and open freely. It is said that vinegar contains potassium that can dilute phlegm. Thus, vinegar can reduce snoring and apnea.

I have been using vinegar for avoiding snoring and apnea by putting it in a plastic bag and opening the bag to inhale the volatile. The method will be an easy way for the use of antiviral volatile in the process of pandemic prevention; with the advantage of convenient carrying in pocket for daily use. According to my personal experience, vinegar can immediately stop cough and runny nose.

5.4.3... Vinegar is able to eliminate periodontitis

The periodontitis is the cause of many diseases; my experience show that vinegar is able to eliminate the dental stone; and thus avoid the happen of periodontitis.

5.4.3... Vinegar is able to cure and prevent Osteoporosis

Feb. 21, 2016, Metabolite Profiling Reveals the Effect of Dietary Rubus coreanus Vinegar on Ovariectomy-Induced Osteoporosis in a Rat Model:

The study was aimed at exploring the curative effects of Rubus coreanus (RC) vinegar against postmenopausal osteoporosis by using ovariectomized rats as a model. The investigations were performed in five groups: sham, ovariectomized (OVX) rats without treatment, low-dose RC vinegar (LRV)-treated OVX rats, high-dose RC vinegar (HRV)-treated OVX rats and alendronate (ALEN)-treated OVX rats. The efficacy of RC vinegar was evaluated using physical, biochemical, histological and metabolomic parameters. Compared to the OVX rats, the LRV and HRV groups showed positive effects on the aforementioned parameters, indicating estrogen regulation. Plasma metabolome analysis of the groups using gas chromatography-time of flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF-MS) and ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadrupole-TOF-MS (UPLC-Q-TOF-MS) with multivariate analysis revealed 19 and 16 metabolites, respectively. Notably, the levels of butyric acid, phenylalanine, glucose, tryptophan and some lysophosphatidylcholines were marginally increased in RC vinegar-treated groups compared to OVX. However, the pattern of metabolite levels in RC vinegar-treated groups was found similar to ALEN, but differed significantly from that in sham group.

The results highlight the prophylactic and curative potential of dietary vinegar against postmenopausal osteoporosis. RC vinegar could be an effective natural alternative for the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis.

Jan 26, 2016, Enhancing effect of dietary vinegar on the intestinal absorption of calcium in ovariectomized rats:

We studied the effect of dietary vinegar on calcium absorption by using ovariectomized rats fed on a low-calcium diet. The apparent absorption of calcium was higher when the rats were fed on a diet containing 1.6% vinegar for 32 days than when fed on a diet without vinegar (P < 0.05). The calcium content in the femur of the rats given diets containing 0.4% and 1.6% vinegar were also higher (P < 0.05). The serum parathyroid hormone level was lower and the crypt depth of the duodenum thicker in the rats fed on a diet containing 1.6% vinegar (P < 0.05). These results suggest that dietary vinegar enhanced intestinal calcium absorption by improving calcium solubility and by the trophic effect of the acetic acid contained in vinegar, which would reduce the bone turnover caused by ovariectomy and be helpful in preventing osteoporosis.

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5.4.4... Corrosive injury of vinegar is able to self-heal without complications

On Hong Kong Med J. 2002 Oct;8(5):365-6, there was a report Corrosive oesophageal injury following vinegar ingestion.

“A 39-year-old woman experienced a foreign body sensation and pain in the left side of her throat after eating crab at dinner. She suspected a small piece of crab shell might be lodged in her throat. She drank one tablespoon of household rice vinegar (usually used for cooking) in the belief that it would dissolve the shell, the sensation of foreign body and pain persisted.”

“The patient attended a general out-patient clinic the next day and was referred to the accident and emergency department. She enjoyed good health with no history of heartburn, regurgitation, dysphagia, odynophagia, epigastric distress, or gastrointestinal bleeding. There was no retching or vomiting before or after the foreign body sensation. Neither had she probed her throat or tried to induce vomiting. Vital signs were normal. She did not have a fever. Examination revealed scattered whitish patches on the posterior pharyngeal wall. No foreign body was identified.”

“Lateral X-ray of the neck did not reveal any abnormality. She was discharged with an endoscopy appointment for the next morning. The endoscopic finding was inflammation of the oropharynx and second-degree caustic injury of the oesophagus from 22 to 30 cm (Fig 1) and the cardia (Fig 2). There was no evidence of a foreign body. The rest of the stomach and duodenum were normal.”

                Fig 1 and Fig 2.

“She was discharged with antacids. Since she was entirely symptom-free at the follow-up visit 1 week later, endoscopy was not repeated. At another follow-up visit 4 months later, she remained symptom-free.”

She had an uneventful recovery.

Now, there are reports that vinegar can erode teeth, so use it with caution. My personal experience proved that this statement is not reliable. Maybe vinegar will really erode our teeth, but as long as we don't brush teeth after using vinegar, it won't cause harm.

More importantly, vinegar can remove the calculus, and then the self-growth of the teeth will offset the corrosion. According to the dentist, for cleaning up the calculus, it needs to be divided into several times, the gum has to cut for open, and the roots of teeth are polished with a brush; thus once a year, it is in paying good money for bad suffering.

The fact was clear that vinegar is intelligent and friendly to humans and can help to solve many thorny problems. It kills pathogens from the physiological structure and does not harm our body, but with great many benefits to humans if you Google right now.

Though the use of vinegar is safe, but when used by intravenous infusion requires a suitably low concentration to avoid swelling of the inner wall of the blood vessel.

I drunk 20ml 5% vinegar after diluted by 500ml water, it is 0.002% vinegar, but I still feel the irritation of vinegar, if I don’t gargle mouth by water, I would feel uncomfortable in my throat.

So, it needs to take special caution when using it by intravenous infusion.

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5.4.5... Vinegar has wide range of physiological and pharmacological functions

The LD50 (the dose that will kill 50% of a population of the test subjects) of vinegar is 3,320 mg/kg, it will be 165g for a people of 50 kilo. 5 ml 5% vinegar will be about 0.25 g in pure vinegar. It is far from dead dose of 165 g.

Vinegar has been medicinal used since ancient times in both China and the West. The grain vinegars or fruit vinegars are medicinal combo that can be used as medications for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.

In ancient China, the vinegar used to treat diseases in wide range: anti-vomit; anti-diarrheal; reduce swelling; nourish liver; strengthen muscles; sober mind; remove blood stasis; stop bleeding; detoxification; nourish lungs; promote digestion; increase appetite; kill roundworms; reduce anxiety; prevent dizziness; treat sores and stop yellow sweat; treat jaundice; treat genital itching, treat postpartum hemorrhage; etc.

Therefore, vinegar will be an effective agent for antiviral volatile as the medication for the prevention and treatment on Covid-19 infections.

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Google found that vinegar has therapeutic effects that are able to cover the most of diseases; which is in acting as same as that of multi-targeted medicinal combo with multi-therapeutic effects. Some people attribute the pathogenic killing effect and the therapeutic effect of vinegar to the ingredients from raw materials and the derivatives that produced during the vinegar fermentation process.

But, as my judgment, the main pathogenic killing effect should attribute to vinegar’s two oxygen atoms with electronegativities that can attract electrons from other atoms, which can easily kill any virus and bacteria by destroying their covalent bonded structure as that of taking off the parts of viruses and pathogens.


The multi-therapeutic effects of vinegar should also attribute to the electronegativities of oxygen atoms. Here, I cannot make clear the therapeutic mechanism; but I would like to infer that the electronegativities of oxygen atoms possess ability to promote physiological activity of covalent bond structured human body. This action may cause harm to human body, but human body can intelligently transform the harm into beneficial.

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5.4.6... Fumigation of vinegar steam will be able to cure Covid-19 patients and the survivors’ complications

I infer that vinegar fumigation will be better than using a ventilator for treating critical Covid-19 patients; the ventilator can only help the patient to breathe without other therapeutic effects. But vinegar can eliminate the swelling, itching and sputum in the respiratory tract; thereby effectively reduce the symptoms of coughing and dyspnea and thereby improve patient's ability for breathing independently.

Also, by the exchanges between the alveoli and pulmonary capillaries blood, the vinegar fumigation can reach the effect of systemic administration. Thus, at the time kills pathogens, the multi-targeted therapeutic effects of vinegar will be able to cure the multi-lesions of patients and improve the physical functions in an all-round way. This unique effect of vinegar cannot be achieved by any other medicinals.

Here, I also infer that vinegar fumigation will be effective on the most of diseases without side effect.

There two unique functions of vinegar may attract people to willingly breathe its volatile every day.

1... Vinegar can significantly decreased abdominal fat.

2... Inhaling vinegar volatile can stop snoring and apnea.

Ladies will willing use it for maintaining a fit body shape, men will willing use it for avoiding snoring and apnea; as the byproducts, which will produce the effect of preventing the airborne infectious diseases.

Honey, Melatonin and natural Chinese medicinals are all possessing multi-curative effects that cover the most of diseases in acting as same as that of multi-targeted medicinal combo.

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5.4.7... Studies proved that vinegar can effectively inactivate SARSCoV-2

Jun. 24, 2020, Japan, study report Virucidal effect of acetic acid and vinegar on SARSCoV-2: Both 4% and 6% acetic acid aqueous solutions effectively inactivated the virus after 5-min incubation with a reduction over 4 log, resulting in a viral titre below the detection limit. In addition, white distilled vinegar (5% and 6% acetic acid concentrations) inactivated SARS-CoV-2 after 1-min incubation with reduction of over 4 log and a viral titre below the detection limit.

July 20, 2020, Italy, study report Vinegar and Its Active Component Acetic Acid Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro and Ex Vivo: both vinegar and acetic acid strongly inactivate SARS-CoV-2 infectivity in Vero cells. The vinegar treatment caused a 90% inhibition of the infectious titer when directly applied to a nasopharyngeal swab transfer medium of a COVID-19 patient. The fumigation of vinegar at low concentration (0.34%) ameliorated the symptoms of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Above research reports are very promising. If we only consider to eliminate the function of virus replication rather than kill them, then, maybe a lower vinegar concentration can be achieved. Thus, vinegar will be safe and effective agent for inhalable antiviral volatile to kill possible virus in respiratory tract by inhaling several breaths daily once.

Vinegar reduces the risk of Covid-19 death from relieving major comorbidities

February 9, 2021, article Comorbidities in SARS-CoV-2 Patients: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis indicates that cancer, chronic kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension were independently associated with mortality in COVID-19 patients. Chronic kidney disease was statistically the most prominent comorbidity leading to death.

5.4.8... Vinegar cures cancer

Apr. 3, 2018, article Acetic acid is an oxidative stressor in gastric cancer cells reports that cancer cell-selective death was induced at the concentration of 2–5 μM acetic acid. Cancerous gastric mucosal cells had increased expression of monocarboxylic transporter 1 and high uptake of acetic acid, compared to normal gastric mucosal cells. The exposure of cancerous gastric mucosal cells to acetic acid enhanced production of reactive oxygen species and expression of monocarboxylic transporter, and induced apoptosis. The acetic acid induced cancer cell-selective death in gastric cells through a mechanism involving oxidative stress.

Dec. 16, 2008, article Induction of apoptosis in human leukemia cells by naturally fermented sugar cane vinegar (kibizu) of Amami Ohshima Island reports that the apoptosis was induced in the leukemia cell by the fraction of sugar cane vinegar and resulted in the repression of growth of the human leukemia cells. Chromatographic fraction of sugar cane juice eluted by 20% methanol showed potent activities of radical-scavenging and growth repression of HL-60. These results led us the consideration that active components in sugar cane juice could be converted to more lipophilic compounds with activity to induce apoptosis in HL-60 by microbial fermentation with yeast and acetic acid bacteria.

Jul. 26, 2019, article Apoptosis and metastasis inhibitory potential of pineapple vinegar against mouse mammary gland cells in vitro and in vivo reports that, in vitro study, an IC50 value of 0.25 mg/mL after 48 h of treatment was established. Annexin V/PI and scratch closure assays showed that pineapple vinegar induced 70% of cell population to undergo apoptosis and inhibited 30% of wound closure of 4 T1 cells. High concentration of pineapple vinegar (2 ml/kg body weight) led to the reduction of tumor weight and volume by 45%as compared to the untreated 4 T1-challenged mice. This effect might have been contributed by the increase of T cell and NK cells population associated with the overexpression of IL-2 andIFN-γ cytokines and splenocyte cytotoxicity. Furthermore, fewer instances of metastasis events were recorded in the pineapple vinegar treatment group and this could be explained by the downregulation of inflammation related genes.

The ability of pineapple vinegar to delay cancer progression portrayed its potential as chemopreventive dietry intervention for cancer therapy.


5.4.9... Dietary vinegar can enhances the intestinal absorption of calcium

Google; it will show a lot articles in talking about vinegar will dissolve calcium and minerals in bones and leading to osteoporosis. However, labs study show that dietary vinegar can enhances the intestinal absorption of calcium to prevent osteoporosis; which shows that it has much room for the further study on the long term effect of Vinegar and Melatonin, especially the effect of vinegar in calcium absorption, whether it dissolve calcium to cause osteoporosis.

May 1999, study report Enhancing effect of dietary vinegar on the intestinal absorption of calcium in ovariectomized rats.


We studied the effect of dietary vinegar on calcium absorption by using ovariectomized rats fed on a low-calcium diet. The apparent absorption of calcium was higher when the rats were fed on a diet containing 1.6% vinegar for 32 days than when fed on a diet without vinegar (P < 0.05). The calcium content in the femur of the rats given diets containing 0.4% and 1.6% vinegar were also higher (P < 0.05). The serum parathyroid hormone level was lower and the crypt depth of the duodenum thicker in the rats fed on a diet containing 1.6% vinegar (P < 0.05). These results suggest that dietary vinegar enhanced intestinal calcium absorption by improving calcium solubility and by the trophic effect of the acetic acid contained in vinegar, which would reduce the bone turnover caused by ovariectomy and be helpful in preventing osteoporosis.

2016 Jan 26, 2016, study report Metabolite Profiling Reveals the Effect of Dietary Rubus coreanus Vinegar on Ovariectomy-Induced Osteoporosis in a Rat Model.


Our study evaluated the effect of RC vinegar on ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis in rats by employing biochemical and metabolomic methods, including GC-TOF-MS and UPLC-Q-TOF-MS. Our results demonstrated that RC vinegar has a positive effect on bone mass, bone resorption and bone strength in experimental rat groups under controlled conditions. We further established that oral administration of RC vinegar decreased the BMD loss, which was accompanied by the reduction in serum ALP and OC levels and a consequent bone volume increase in treated rats (HRV and LRV) compared to OVX.

The study provides valuable insight into the RC vinegar-mediated reduction in bone loss and bone turnover rates in ovariectomized rats, mimicking the human postmenopausal conditions.

Additionally, eight potential metabolites, including butyric acid, phenylalanine, glucose, tryptophan and lysoPC 16:0, lysoPC 18:0, lysoPC 20:4, and lysoPC 22:6, were identified as osteoporosis hallmarks in ovariectomized rat groups. Moreover, the study further highlights the precedence of MS-based analytical and multivariate (PLS-DA) data interpretation methods towards the precise and rapid interpretation of colossal metabolomics data. The present methodology can further be anticipated to address the dietary or health food correlations with an organisms’ “-omics” and health phenotypes.

5.4.10... Vinegar cures chronic kidney diseases

Mar. 1, 2020, article Alteration of the gut microbiota by vinegar is associated with amelioration of hyperoxaluria-induced kidney injury reports that Using an ethylene glycol (EG)-induced hyperoxaluria rat model, we evaluated the effects of the vinegar on renal injury. Oral administration of vinegar (2 ml kg-1 day-1) reduced the elevated serum creatinine, BUN, and protected against hyperoxaluria-induced renal injury, renal fibrosis, and inflammation.

Gut microbiota analysis of 16S rRNA gene showed that vinegar treatment altered their microbial composition, especially the recovery of the levels of the Prevotella, Ruminiclostridium, Alistipes and Paenalcaligenes genus, which were significantly increased in the hyperoxaluria-induced renal injury rats. Additionally, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)-based metabolome analysis showed that total of 35 serum and 42 urine metabolites were identified to be associated with protective effects of vinegar on hyperoxaluria-induced renal injury rats. Most of these metabolites were involved in thiamine metabolism, glycerol phosphate shuttle, biotin metabolism, phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis and membrane lipid metabolism.

Importantly, the effects of vinegar against renal injury were weakened after depletion of gut microbiota by antibiotic treatment. These results suggest that vinegar treatment ameliorates the hyperoxaluria-induced renal injury by improving the gut microbiota and metabolomic profiles.

Sep. 30, 2020, article Protective role of apple cider vinegar (APCV) in CCl4-induced renal damage in wistar rats reports reports that compared to the control animals, CCl4 administration caused kidney damage as evidenced by significant (P < 0.05) increase in the evaluated indices (urea, creatinine, Na+ and K+). Interestingly, treatment of CCl4-exposed rats with APCV markedly reversed the above alterations to near normal. Besides, APCV treatment ameliorated the histological derangements (hemorrhagic lesions) caused by CCl4 in the kidney of the experimental rats.

These observations apparently suggest that Apple cider vinegar has the therapeutic potential to protect against renal impairment and attendant malfunction.

5.4.11... Vinegar cures diabetes mellitus

May 6, 2015, article Vinegar Consumption Increases Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Uptake by the Forearm Muscle in Humans with Type 2 Diabetes reports that 11 subjects with DM2 consumed vinegar or placebo. Vinegar compared to placebo (1) increased forearm glucose uptake (p = 0.0357), (2) decreased plasma glucose (p = 0.0279), insulin (p = 0.0457), and triglycerides (p = 0.0439), and (3) did not change NEFA and glycerol. Conclusions. In DM2 vinegar reduces postprandial hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia, and hypertriglyceridaemia without affecting lipolysis. Vinegar's effect on carbohydrate metabolism may be partly accounted for by an increase in glucose uptake, demonstrating an improvement in insulin action in skeletal muscle.

5.4.12... Vinegar reduces hypertension

22 May 2014, article Antihypertensive effects of acetic acid and vinegar on spontaneously hypertensive rats reports that the acetic acid itself, the main component of vinegar, significantly reduced both blood pressure (p<0.05) and renin activity (p<0.01) compared to controls given no acetic acid or vinegar, as well as vinegar. There were no significant differences in angiotensin I-converting enzyme activity in various organs. As for the mechanism of this function, it was suggested that this reduction in blood pressure may be caused by the significant reduction in renin activity and the subsequent decrease in angiotensin II. From this study, it was also suggested that the antihypertensive effect of vinegar is mainly due to the acetic acid in it.

5.4.13... Vinegar raised hemoglobin, total erythrocyte counts and total leukocyte counts

April 11, 2001, research report The effect of cider vinegar on some nutritional and physiological parameters in mice said that the hemoglobin (Hb), total erythrocyte counts (TEC) and total leukocyte counts (TLC) were raised in all vinegar treated groups.

5.4.14... Vinegar destroys cell walls, protein structure, and nuclear proteins of the pathogenic organisms

Jan. 29, 2018, research report Apple cider vinegar can help clear bacteria and yeast infections; a natural cure said that vinegar could potentially protect the body from harmful bacteria by stopping the growth of bad bacteria and fungus in its tracks, stopping the spread of these infections by destroying their cell walls, protein structure, nuclear proteins, metabolic enzymes altering their structure of the pathogenic organisms.

5.4.15... The anti-Inflammatory effect of vinegar may reduce the risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 76, Issue 19, 10 November 2020 published report that Dietary Inflammatory Potential and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Men and Women in the U.S..

A study of 5,291,518 person-years of follow-up, 15,837 incident CVD cases, 9,794 coronary heart disease (CHD) cases and 6,174 strokes to have gotten the conclusions that dietary patterns with a higher proinflammatory potential were associated with higher CVD risk. Reducing the inflammatory potential of the diet may potentially provide an effective strategy for CVD prevention.

5.4.16... 1 - 3% vinegar can inactivate avian influenza virus

June 2009, study report Inactivation of avian influenza virus using four common chemicals and one detergent: “Five disinfectant chemicals were tested individually for effectiveness against low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV), A/H7N2/Chick/MinhMa/04, on hard, nonporous surfaces. The tested agents included acetic acid, calcium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, and a powdered laundry detergent without bleach. Multiple common chemicals including acetic acid (1 and 3%), sodium hydroxide (2%), and calcium hydroxide (1%) effectively inactivated LPAIV on a metal surface.

5.4.17... 4 - 8% vinegar can inactivate H1N1 human influenza virus

Feb. 1, 2010, Effectiveness of Common Household Cleaning Agents in Reducing the Viability of Human Influenza A/H1N1: A British Standard was adapted to assess the ability of various household cleaning agents to kill or reduce the infectivity of an H1N1 human influenza virus A/PuertoRico/8/34 (PR8, H1N1, Cambridge lineage). A low concentration of vinegar (1%) was no more effective than hot water alone. Malt vinegar (4–8% acetic acid) was effective down to a dilution of 10%. Previously 5% acetic acid has been demonstrated to be effective at inactivating an A/H7N2 strain of influenza and it has been known for some years that acid-based media cause inactivation and aggregation of HA glycoprotein spikes and virus, by triggering the low pH-dependent conformational change in the HA that normally only occurs in late endosomes.


5.4.18... Vinegar can decreased small intestine muscular thickness and abdominal fat

Jan. 3, 2018, study report Effect of probiotic and vinegar on growth performance, meat yields, immune responses, and small intestine morphology of broiler chickens: 30 day-old broiler chicks drinking water diluted vinegar significantly decreased small intestine muscular thickness (MT) and abdominal fat.

5.4.19... Vinegar has anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects

Jul. 27, 2017, study report Anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects of synthetic acetic acid vinegar and Nipa vinegar on high-fat-diet-induced obese mice: vinegar reduced lipid deposition, improved the serum lipid profile, increased adipokine expression and suppressed inflammation in the obese mice.

5.4.20... Vinegar may be as an adjunct treatment modality for Diabetes

May 6, 2015, study report Vinegar Consumption Increases Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Uptake by the Forearm Muscle in Humans with Type 2 Diabetes: vinegar reduces postprandial hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia, and hypertriglyceridaemia without affecting lipolysis. Vinegar's effect on carbohydrate metabolism may be partly accounted for by an increase in glucose uptake, demonstrating an improvement in insulin action in skeletal muscle.

5.4.21... Apple Cider Vinegar can thin sticky mucus and clears stuffy noses

Sep 10, 2017, on the website; Lung Health Institute posts article Apple Cider Vinegar and COPD: Clears Stuffy Noses – Apple cider vinegar contains potassium that thins mucus. Also, the acidic PH prevents bacteria growth. Directions: Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink.

5.4.21... Apple Cider Vinegar can increases oxygen in blood stream

In Jan 15, 2021, I found an article Nine Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar; it said that Apple Cider Vinegar can increases oxygen as it releases iron from the food you eat into your blood stream supplying more oxygen throughout the body.

5.4.22... Apple Cider Vinegar promotes oxygen to cells by promoting hemoglobin and myoglobin

Dec. 6, 2013, articel The Surprising Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar said that apple cider vinegar helps release iron from the food you eat, so it can be used throughout the body. This is important because iron is a key component of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Both hemoglobin and myoglobin are responsible for carrying oxygen to cells throughout the body.

5.4.220... Apple Cider Vinegar promotes energy consumption and leads to weight loss

Dec. 6, 2013, articel The Surprising Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar said that apple cider vinegar helps release iron from the food you eat, so it can be used throughout the body. The iron is a key component of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Both hemoglobin and myoglobin are responsible for carrying oxygen to cells throughout the body.

Just as oxygen is essential to burn a fire in your fireplace, oxygen is also essential to burn energy (calories) in your body. Because apple cider vinegar helps the body release iron, it also helps your body's ability to burn calories, which is critical for weight loss.

Iron absorption leads to oxygen utilization, which leads to energy consumption, which leads to weight loss.

5.4.23... Apple Cider Vinegar promotes energy consumption and leads to weight loss

Dec. 6, 2013, articel The Surprising Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar said that apple cider vinegar helps release iron from the food you eat, so it can be used throughout the body. The iron is a key component of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Both hemoglobin and myoglobin are responsible for carrying oxygen to cells throughout the body.

Just as oxygen is essential to burn a fire in your fireplace, oxygen is also essential to burn energy (calories) in your body. Because apple cider vinegar helps the body release iron, it also helps your body's ability to burn calories, which is critical for weight loss.

Iron absorption leads to oxygen utilization, which leads to energy consumption, which leads to weight loss.

5.4.24... Vinegar reduces body weight, body fat mass, and serum triglyceride levels

Aug. 7, 2009, Vinegar intake reduces body weight, body fat mass, and serum triglyceride levels in obese Japanese subjects:

Acetic acid (AcOH), a main component of vinegar, recently was found to suppress body fat accumulation in animal studies. Hence we investigated the effects of vinegar intake on the reduction of body fat mass in obese Japanese in a double-blind trial.

The subjects were randomly assigned to three groups of similar body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference. During the 12-week treatment period, the subjects in each group ingested 500 ml daily of a beverage containing either 15 ml of vinegar (750 mg AcOH), 30 ml of vinegar (1,500 mg AcOH), or 0 ml of vinegar (0 mg AcOH, placebo). Body weight, BMI, visceral fat area, waist circumference, and serum triglyceride levels were significantly lower in both vinegar intake groups than in the placebo group. In conclusion, daily intake of vinegar might be useful in the prevention of metabolic syndrome by reducing obesity.

5.4.25... Vinegar lower blood sugar and insulin levels in people with diabetes

Oct. 6, 2018, article Is Vinegar Good for You said that: In a 2015 Greek study of 11 people with diabetes, those who had an ounce of vinegar and then consumed a ham and cheese sandwich, orange juice, and a cereal bar had slightly lower blood sugar and insulin levels afterward than those who drank water instead of vinegar.

5.4.26... Vinegar prmotes insulin-producing cells and slows atherosclerosis

In a few very small studies, gourmet-quality balsamic vinegars improved the function of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas in rats and slowed atherosclerosis-promoting damage to LDL cholesterol in a tiny Japanese study with five people. But there’s no research suggesting inexpensive balsamic vinegar has the same effects.

5.4.27... Apple Cider Vinegar can improve Sleep

Oct. 12, 2020, article Apple Cider Vinegar for Sleep: Fact or Fiction said that “The acetic acid content of apple cider vinegar aids digestion by helping to hasten the breakdown of protein-rich foods. This digestive process, in turn, produces amino acids like tryptophan, which can enhance the production of hormones like serotonin and melatonin that induce and improve sleep.”

5.4.28... Vinegar has sober-up effect

2002 Jun. 27, 2002, article Study on sober-up effect of crystal sugar-vinegar solution said that Crystal sugar-vinegar solution could prolong the latent period of righting reflex disappearing of the drunk mice(P < 0.01) and decrease death percentage of drunk mice in 24 hours(P < 0.01). Crystal sugar-vinegar could also decrease blood alcohol levels in the drunk rabbits, especially 30 min(P < 0.01) and 180 min(P < 0.05) after administration of alcohol. Conclusion: Crystal sugar-vinegar solution has an evident sober-up effect on drunk model animal.

5.4.29... The medicinal application in TCM

In ancient time, vinegar has been widely used in TCM: promote digestion; improve appetite; kill roundworms; eliminate carbuncle swelling; nourish liver; strengthen muscles; sober up drunkenness; relieve anxiety; dispel blood stasis; stop bleeding; detoxify; kill insects; treat fainting; nourish lungs; stop diarrhea; treat postpartum haemorrhage; treat jaundice; stop yellow sweat; stop vomiting blood; stop epistaxis; stop blood in stool; treat genital itching, treat carbuncle and sore, relieve poison in fish, meat and vegetable; and so on.

5.4.30... Vinegar’s functions on health: constituents, sources, and formation mechanisms

Sep. 28, 2016, Vinegar Functions on Health: Constituents, Sources, and Formation Mechanisms: “Vinegars are one of only a few acidic condiments throughout the world. Vinegars can mainly be considered grain vinegars and fruit vinegars, according to the raw materials used.”

Functional ingredients: Organic acids; Ligustrazine; Dihydroferulic acid; Dihydrosinapic acid; Tryptophol;  Melanoidins; Ligustrazine.

Physiological functions: antibacteria, anti-infection, antioxidation, blood glucose control, lipid metabolism regulation, weight loss, and anticancer activities.

“The antibacteria and anti-infection abilities of vinegars are mainly due to the presence of organic acids, polyphenols, and melanoidins. The polyphenols and melanoidins also provide the antioxidant abilities of vinegars, which are produced from the raw materials and fermentation processes, respectively. The blood glucose control, lipid metabolism regulation, and weight loss capabilities from vinegars are mainly due to acetic acid. Besides caffeoylsophorose (inhibits disaccharidase) and ligustrazine (improves blood circulation), other functional ingredients present in vinegars provide certain health benefits as well.”

“Regarding anticancer activities, several grain vinegars strongly inhibit the growth of some cancer cells in vivo or in vitro, but related functional ingredients remain largely unknown, except tryptophol in Japanese black soybean vinegar. Considering the discovering of various functional ingredients and clarifying their mechanisms, some vinegars could be functional foods or even medicines, depending on a number of proofs that demonstrate these constituents can cure chronic diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular problems.”

5.4.31...Apple cider vinegar can help epilepsy

July 1, 2018, Youtube video Apple Cider Vinegar Helped my Epilepsy SO MUCH!

Vanessa Duncan: I have partial complex epilepsy and I started taking apple cider vinegar for a completely different reason I started taking apple cider vinegar because I was having stomach issues just bloating stomach and stress. I took one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to eight ounces of ice water and I did that three times a day.

I'm a person that has what's considered uncontrolled epilepsy; after drinking apple cider vinegar, my epilepsy improved a lot.

5.4.32... Drink Vinegar increases immune cells in the blood of mice

2001, article The effect of cider vinegar on some nutritional and physiological parameters in mice reports that groups of female ICR (CD-1) mice were treated with daily oral doses of 0.17, 0.51 and 1.02 ml of the vinegar/kg body weight for 4 weeks. Cider vinegar induced a significant reduction in weight gain in animals treated with 0.51 ml/kg while others showed no significant differences in weight gain. The mean dry matter intake increased in animals treated with the smallest dose and significantly decreased in others. Hemoglobin (Hb), total erythrocyte counts (TEC) and total leukocyte counts (TLC) were raised in all treated groups. The activity of liver aspartate amino transferase (AST) decreased in the group treated with the smallest dose while no significant variations were recorded in the other groups. No significant differences were recorded neither in the activity of hepatic alanin amino transferase (ALT) nor in hepatic acid phosphatase (ACP). Liver alkaline phosphatase (ALP) noticeably elevated only in animals treated with 0.51 ml of vinegar/kg body weight per day. Treated groups also showed statistically significant increases in both mean liver and spleen weight. Kidney weight did not show significant differences.

High doses of cider vinegar induced histopathological alterations in liver, stomach and duodenum. Vacuolated hepatocytes, erosion of gastric mucosa, dilatation in gastric glands and duodenum villus blunting are the common observed lesions noticed in organs of high dose-treated animals.


5.4.33... Daily vinegar intake can reduce depression by up to 34%

Nov. 18, 2021, Daily vinegar intake can reduce depression by up to 34%: The main component of vinegar is acetic acid, which has an antioxidant role in biological systems, such as the brain, this suggests vinegar may improve mental function by providing an exogenous source of acetate (a metabolite and derivative of acetic acid).

Evidence from a study on rats demonstrated a reversal in cognitive decline with acetate supplementation, however the effect of increased serum acetate from exogenous sources (including vinegar) is under-researched in humans, according to the researchers behind the current study.

Vinegar and brain health

The current placebo-controlled, randomised, parallel arm study, conducted by a team at Arizona State University, in the US, examined the impact of daily vinegar ingestion on mood states and urinary metabolites in 25 healthy college students.

Participants in the active study arm ingested two tablespoons of vinegar (Braggs, Liquid Apple Cider Vinegar) diluted in one cup water twice daily with meals for four weeks, and participants in the control arm consumed one vinegar tablet (General Nutrition Corporation Apple Cider Vinegar tablets) daily for four weeks. The liquid vinegar treatment provided 1.5 g acetic acid daily in comparison to the vinegar tablet that provided 0.015 g acetic acid daily.

A spot urine sample from the first morning void was collected at baseline and at study week four.  Additionally, at baseline and at study week four, two validated, widely applied mood questionnaires were completed online: the Profile of Mood States (POMS) and the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression (CES-D) questionnaires.

Resulting data confirmed an increase in 10 of the 17 significant between-group metabolites in the liquid vinegar (VIN) group and a 20-34% reduction in self-reported depression scores in the same participants while there were slight increases in the control (CON) group.

Metabolomics data compiled by the team showed several metabolic alterations associated with apple cider vinegar ingestion and consistent for improved mood, including enzymatic dysfunction in the hexosamine pathway.

Scientists also noted an increase in glycine, serine, and threonine metabolism in the VIN group. Threonine increases glycine in the brain which, along with serine, impacts neurological health (brain function), they say.

The report states: “Serine has a role in the synthesis of sphingolipids and glycolipids which are important myelin constituents and also enhances dendritogenesis and axon lengths. Glycine is a neurotransmitter with trophic effects on neurons and a substrate in the synthesis of sarcosine.”

Scores from the CES-D baseline questionnaires suggested five VIN participants and four CON participants had elevated risks of suffering depression, while baseline results for POMS revealed one participant in each group below normative scores.

There were marginal changes to CES-D scores at week four with a reduction in the VIN group and an increase in the CON group. Conversely, individual mood states differed significantly for depression at week four. Mood scores improved in all categories in the VIN group but were consistently down in the CON group.


The scientists postulate that the study provides valuable insights into possible impacts of exogenous acetic acid on metabolism and suggest daily apple cider vinegar ingestion can lower depression scores in healthy college students under controlled conditions.

“With over 40% of college students self-reporting moderate-to-severe depression, a 77% increase over the past decade, simple and safe strategies that effectively reduce depression in this population are urgently needed," the report states. "These data warrant continued investigation of vinegar as a possible agent to improve mood state.”

However, they add that results may vary depending on the phytochemical profiles of the vinegar ingested and say the data warrants further investigation to underpin the evidence of vinegar as a possible agent to improve mood state.

Source: Nutrients

Published online at: http://doi.org/10.3390/nu13114020

“Daily Vinegar Ingestion Improves Depression Scores and Alters the Metabolome in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial”

Nutrients. 2021 Nov; 13(11): 4020.

Published online 2021 Nov 11. doi: 10.3390/nu13114020

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