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送交者: 毛三 2001年12月28日07:44:41 於 [健康生活] 發送悄悄話
病 根 是 在 國 內 種 下 的,當 時 國 內 的 醫 生 也 基 本 上 是 這 麼 確 診 的。現 在 的 情 況 是 一 遇 冷( 吃 或 受 涼) 左 部 小 腹 就 疼,大 便 也 不 成 型,肚 子 里 的 氣 也 非 常 多。最 明 鮮 的 是 發 病 時 小 腹 上 會 出 現 非 常 癢 的 一 片 小 泡。平 時 吃 的 也 就 一 般 家 常 飯,生 活 基 本 上 是 規 律 的,老 去 健 身,面 上 看 起 來 還 讓 人 覺 得 身 體 怪 不 錯 的。 有 一 毛 病 是 一 天 抽 四 五 根 煙,反 正 抽 煙 增 加 痛 感 是 我 已 覺 出 來 的 了。

nutrition: This disease is caused by the immune reaction to the gut. It is hard to cure. I think you can keep intake the medicine the doctor prescribed for you. ( You must have them because you should get the treatment when you were in China. At the same time, you can increase the food which is rich in w-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that is commonly contained in the fish such as salmon,tuna... Because they can replace the w-6 fatty acid in your body. and their pruducts can inhibit the inflammatary products from the products produced by the w-6 faaty acids. You will get benefit from the long run even you may not feel the benefit. This is commonly recommended for the patients like you in US.

chuge: Chronic inflammation of the colon leads to colonitis(or colitis in the case of inflammatory bowel disease, IBD). However, acute episodes or persisting states are very important. In that situation, the most efficient step is to find the causes. Usually, chronic infection with virus or bacteria are suspected, although they are self-limiting, and the results of antibiotics treatment is very clear. I support to use antibiotic only when culture and drug tests are obtained. Undirected treatment will even worsen colonitis.

Stool exams are invariably necessary during acute episodes or persisting diarrhea, including exams of pathogen such as bacteria, virus (CMV, seen in cells)parasites and breeding etc.If the case still can not explained for a long time, endoscope and biopsy are adopted. I say one young man suffer from lymphoma.

IBDs including ulcerative colitis (UC) and granulomatous ileo-colitis (Crohn's disease)are easily diagnosed so that I suspect that they are "over-diagnosed".

Treatment: sulfasalazine or slow-releasing 5-ASA,corticosteroid, sometimes anti-diarrhea; surgery in dyplasia and cancer. Maybe, you need stop smoking, as yin-er mentioned. Again, it is important for patients to understand the disease, not to ask for better medicine.

jt: in general, colitis is an inflammtory process in large intestines. one of most commom symtoms is chronic diarrhea. usually, stools are very mucous, and stool hemoccult test is postitive. in the extreme case, patients can present with bloody diarrhea. irritable bowel syndrome is not a really organic disorder. currently, we still haven't completely understood its etiology. however, most GI specialists agree that psychological factors do play a big role.

茵兒: 在國外就這個情況沒有看過醫生嗎?如果是Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)的話,飲食,藥物,精神壓力都有影響。藥物如:抗高血壓藥,抗生素,尼古丁(你的香煙),咖啡因,抗酸藥,酒精等等。飲食方面,有些食物容易引起氣漲,如:豆類,洋白菜,菜花,西藍花,黃瓜,青椒,蘇打汽水,啤酒,洋蔥,油炸食物,還有口香糖。儘量不要漏過一餐飯不吃,然後大撮一頓。其實牛奶也可能是腹瀉的原因,如果你有lactose intolerance 的話。不過要先檢查缺點一下,不要從此就不喝牛奶了,那又會影響鈣的攝取量。 *少喝咖啡,酒 *如果對果糖耐受力不好,少喝果汁 *少吃多餐 *少吃引起氣漲的食物如果你經常腹瀉的話,我懷疑你能否攝入足夠的營養。你還健身,能量需求會更多。建議你去醫院檢查一下: complete blood count, stool examination, sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy(especially for those >50 yesrs of age). 你說“最明顯的是發病時小腹上會出現非常癢的一片小泡”,我想聽聽別人的說法。到底是IBS還是Colitis. 不過Colitis也有食物的誘因,可以追查。

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