could you兵谏逼迫ccp,抗no日w? |
送交者: ccplie 2011月01月16日19:29:42 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 后来,在中共感召下,在兵谏逼迫下,蒋抗日了,而且做了贡献。 由 落英缤纷 于 2011-01-16 16:22:04 |
Jiang anti-J plan started in 1920s, Jiang need wait, since USSR/CCP also against China. No one can兵谏 and make persidengt chaning the policy
中共is not only USSR son, but also Japan son,m CCP did nothing about anti-J 蒋抗日too early, lead ccp/USSR rape China after 1945
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