all fase! | |||
送交者: ccplie 2011月02月08日15:20:58 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话 | |||
回 答: 蒋介石是中华民族最伟大的英雄的十大铁证 由 JDTCT 于 2011-02-08 08:28:17 | |||
your mom is false! Outer MOngolia lost before Jiang on power! KMT asked since 1929, with a number of treaties First one, USSR agreed it was a part of China second one China agreed to vote since Mao was on USSR side Mao fully lost Mongolia 1949.10.16. Mao also gave more lands to Mongolia Even so, KMT denied its "indep" 1946 on UN voting UN again anti-USSR 1953 It is not indep, but USSR set up Mao and Mongolia
Umom =pig, USSR used ccp invading China, KMT wanted J to fight USSR first USSR used ccp to push war into China CCP is not China, but USSR son Umom =pig, check Japan documents, how many J troops lost and how many people lost that is ccp made dirty to KMT (today's ccp did not say this any more, sicne flase)
Umom= false, KMT only have ~270 wan troops after J war, since no $ Mao was a dog of USSR, USSR pushed down the rising China USSR and ccp evenly did not like China become 4 powers 1945 5:中国历史第一个被部下抓捕,而后又能够用其“伟大人格”感动部下的痿人! Umom = pig, since China need friends to fight USSR Tell truth, Mao 嫖娼 Umom and more, never told
ccp lost now You attcked China every day, U r a dog of USSR and Japan |
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