芹泥:政治幽默-里根 |
送交者: 芹泥 2016年03月11日10:48:54 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話 |
寫古希臘戲劇中政治幽默時,希望寫一下西方政治家一脈相承的幽默傳統,後來寫完丘吉爾之後就有些疲憊了,便將計劃中的里根以及老羅斯福給砍掉了,一如既往地實現了我虎頭蛇尾的大將作風(漫話虎頭蛇尾)。前幾日,南希里根去世,藝萌博放置了里根總統的幽默片段,一下又將我的興致挑起,於是便有了這樣一個《政治幽默續-里根-老羅斯福》。 我發現美國很多特別右特別有個性也特別幽默的總統,總是干的很不賴。他們說話幽默,行事也很幽默。總是在各種境遇中,讓幽默適時得擠進來,發揮奇幻的潤滑作用,讓媒體尤其是幽默大報小報大賺金錢,更讓大眾嘻嘻哈哈哈哈地一路追隨。美國總統的幽默當然不是下里巴人的政治幽默,而是捨身自己娛樂大家的陽春白雪的幽默。 先講講里根。里根其實早期是民主黨人,但後來幾乎是一夜之間徹底背離民主黨,加入共和黨。 成為堅決的保守派和反共義士,並在當任總統期間,徹底的結束冷戰,瓦解了歐洲固立半個世紀的共產主義陣營,(可惜,沒有全面瓦解,還留下幾個疥癬之患),美國真正成為鶴立雞群的老大。 他三次競選共和黨總統候選人,前兩次以失敗告終,但第三次,贏得總統之職。 1976-80年,民主黨卡特當任總統期間,把美國經濟搞的一塌糊塗,‘成就’了三十年代大蕭條之後最糟糕的經濟危機。 他的政府機構龐大,帶有殺富濟貧意味的高稅收,高福利,養了一大堆只顧生孩子、吃福利的懶蟲,使得工作的人比不工作的人還要貧窮,實質上是鼓勵人們懶惰,某種意義上,美國大量貧窮人的基數就是從那個時候積累下來的,很多社會隱患和底層問題也因此產生,美國人不再朝氣蓬勃,不再充滿創造力,不再抱有夢想, 所以說,卡特總統成為歷史最差的總統之一的確是當之無愧。 里根競選總統期間,在演說中有一段很著名的話:“In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem.” 里根抨擊卡特政府時也不失幽默“衰退的定義是你的鄰居沒有工作,蕭條的定義是你自己沒有工作,復甦的定義是卡特沒有工作。”lol。 他的競選演說沒有那麼多亂七八糟不着邊際的勞什子許諾,他的理念非常明確,就兩條,減少政府控制,減少稅收。“我要減少政府開銷的增長,降低所得稅和資本利得稅,減少政府對經濟的調控與控制貨幣供應量,減少通貨膨脹。”。里根任期內有了美國歷史上為期最久的經濟擴張,美國恢復了從前的偉大和自信。 他抨擊民主黨的理念和政治作為,有人就問了,“你說民主黨這問題那問題,你說說你自己有什麼問題”,他說:“哦,我當然有問題,我的問題是,我也曾是民主黨一員”。(芹泥註: 歸根結底還是民主黨的問題,lol) 里根上任之後不久遭到一個精神病患者的行刺,這位老人家就有那個本事,楞是把這個悲哀和恐慌事件轉化為一個funny的事件,帶領全國人民一起娛樂消費他自己。除了那句醒來後對南希說的著名的 “Honey, I forgot to duck, ”,之間,他把醫院當作好萊塢的攝影棚, 在醫生、護士以及他的同僚面前,半昏迷半清醒地演繹了他高超的另類喜劇,將他在好萊塢的表演提高了非常多的檔次。 如果說在好萊塢他是三流演員,而在總統這個舞台,他是最為高明的明星。 時代周刊曾將里根總統在醫院期間的俏皮話記錄下來,題為:“Moment of Madness”, 總統的幽默讓美國人民至今津津樂道。 > To surgeons, as he entered the operating room: “Please tell me you’re Republicans.” (芹泥註: 那個醫生本來是民主黨,卻配合着總統說,‘是,這裡全部都是共和黨’,里根才安然讓他們做手術。里根在這裡像孩子似的任性的幽默着, 醫生像哄孩子一樣哄他們的總統趕緊手術。太過奇妙的怪異手術室,幽默電光像攝影棚的閃光燈,光波直射全美,跨越時空) > In a written note, upon coming out of anesthesia in the recovery room (paraphrasing Comedian W.C. Fields): “All in all, I’d rather be in Philadelphia.” > In another note, recalling a Winston Churchill observation: “There’s no more exhilarating feeling than being shot at without result.” (芹泥註: 把自己遇刺這個倒霉事看作一個非常hilarious的事情,這也就是美國總統能做到, 這也就是里根能做到。人家還有充分的理由吶,為什麼? 沒有後果嘛。 看到這裡,我腦子裡好像有個小孩很得意地說“你沒打到我”) > In a third note: “Send me to L.A., where I can see the air I’m breathing.” > In yet another note written while surrounded by medical staff: “If I had this much attention in Hollywood, I’d have stayed there.” (註: 哈哈,我覺得,他在好萊塢應該是喜劇的編劇加導演加演員,可能成功性和關注力會更大一些。當然,歷史證明,還是總統這個舞台更適合他 ) > Complimented by a doctor for being a good patient: “I have to be. My father-in-law is a doctor.” (芹泥註:特別聽話,讚一個。). > To an attentive nurse: “Does Nancy know about us?” (芹泥註: 說得和真的一樣,so charming。) > To a nurse who told him to “keep up the good work” of his recovery: “You mean this may happen several more times?” (芹泥註: 再來幾次可以寫成sitcom serial。 題目為,里根總統的幾次喜劇遇刺。不僅僅可以拿總統找樂,也可以拿總統的保鏢找樂,水平也太差了。 這讓我想起來我一個老美朋友,她的丈夫曾經是里根的security agent. 可惜,當時並不那麼想了解里根,所以,也沒想起着打聽一些小道消息。 ) > To Daughter Maureen: The attempted assassination “ruined one of my best suits.” ( 芹泥註:他在暗示女兒,趕緊給老爸去買一打suits。) > Greeting White House aides the morning after surgery: “Hi, fellas. I knew it would be too much to hope that we could skip a staff meeting.” (芹泥註: 多敬業的老闆)。 > When told by Aide Lyn Nofziger that the Government was running normally: “What makes you think I’d be happy about that?” (芹泥註: 就是,地球離了我,應該不轉才對。) >When I go in for a physical now, they no longer ask me how old I am, they just carbon-date me。 (芹泥注,特任性地拿自己的年齡開涮,誰讓他是最老的美國總統吶?) 不僅僅Timer是里根的admirer, 好萊塢也是一樣,那年的奧斯卡正好在總統遇刺的第二天,司儀開玩笑說,我想給總統電話讓里根幫着把講話稿搞定。里根那種非常charming的幽默實在是給他爭取了非常多的支持。 里根連任競選期間,有人拿他的年齡太大來質疑他能否適宜這份工作,他妙語相對“我不會以我的年紀來作為選戰的議題。我不會以此作為政治目的,來彰顯我對手的年幼和缺乏經驗”。 他對總統這個職業和丘吉爾的觀念異曲同工,“如果成功了將會獲得許多獎勵,如果可恥的失敗了,可以出一本書”。 右派在西方是保守派的代名詞, 他們有兩個特點, 第一是崇尚小政府,第二就是強烈反共。里根一上任之後,大量減稅,大量減少政府開支,但卻大量增加軍費,因為蘇聯的核武器對美國有非常大的威脅,長期以來,美國在和共產蘇聯的對抗中一直採取比較溫和的態度,蘇聯共產陣營卻十分強硬,很多軍事尖端技術處於領先地位。作為激烈的反共義士,里根star war 空間計劃的實施,讓蘇聯知道如果軍事對抗,蘇聯只有徹底輸掉這一條路。里根結束了冷戰,最終使得歐洲共產陣營全面瓦解,在他離任後的91年,蘇聯解體。 In foreign affairs, Ronald Reagan’s first term in office was marked by a massive buildup of U.S. weapons and troops, as well as an escalation of the Cold War(1946-1991) with the Soviet Union, which the president dubbed “the evil empire.” Key to his administration’s foreign policy initiatives was the Reagan Doctrine, under which America provided aid to anticommunist movements in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In 1983, Reagan announced the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), a plan to develop space-based weapons to protect America from attacks by Soviet nuclear missiles. Reagan, who announced it was “morning again in America,” 空間計劃打斷了蘇聯經濟脊梁骨,解救了歐洲共產國家,推到倒了柏林牆,徹底瓦解了共產陣營在地球上超過半個世紀的肆略。 但這些高大上的輝煌成就,還是掩蓋不了里根式幽默這個大眾娛樂話題,在對抗蘇共中,里根的幽默被稱為最高的幽默,因為它實際上是一種武器。這種武器旨在指出共產社會和美國社會的不同,但不是harsh edge. 這些幽默體現了里根對共產極權的態度,而對共產極權下的人民,他有着深切的同情心。幽默在里根總統心裡,幽默不僅僅是plain funny,可以緩減緊張氣氛,它更是傳播信息的有力工具。 總統的幽默段子有很多來源,有些是從著名的comedian, 有些是從CIA來的,有些是從10年前從蘇聯移民到美國後來成為talkshow的comedian來的,更有些從幽默的西班牙總理Felipe Gonzales來的,加上Timer的編輯,nightclub, 看看這來源,還真是豐富,從陽春白雪,到下里巴人, 灰常的集思廣益。 據說,很長一段時間,白宮的工作人員常常會說:“have you heard this one? ”,然後開始幽默段子。 (感嘆,這種工作環境真好,以後申請白宮的工作),誰不喜歡工作時cranking jokes? 對不?當然,活還是要幹得漂亮哈。 好吧,放幾個有名的幽默段子: ''You know I have a recent hobby,'' the President remarked in a speech on economic matters earlier this month. ''I have been collecting stories that I can tell, or prove are being told by the citizens of the Soviet Union among themselves, which display not only a sense of humor but their feeling about their system.'' (芹泥註: 這個hobby好玩,如果討厭一個事物,也可以如法炮製,演繹一些幽默故事哈。建議在萬維推廣一下)。 * what are the four things wrong with Soviet agriculture? Spring, summer, winter and fall. * What is the definition of a Communist? Someone who has read the works of Marx and Lenin. What is the definition of an anti-Communist? Someone who understands the works of Marx and Lenin. From Many Sources。 *Two guards were patrolling at night and one of the guards told a man to halt, he started running and he shot him. The other guard asked, “why did you shoot him”, he replied: ”curfew”, “but curfew doesn’t start for another hour”, “that’s ok, he is my friend, I know he wouldn’t make it”。 * Castro was making a speech to a large assembly. Someone out in the crowd said,“ Peanuts popcorn crackerjack”. This happened about 4 times, so, Castro gets annoyed and says, the next man who says that gets deported to Miami. The entire crowd stands up and yells “POPCORN, PEANUTS, CRACKERJACK” *Two Russians were walking down the street, one asked the other, “have you really achieved full communism?”. The other said: “oh, no, Things are about a lots of worse.” *The Commisar came to the collective farms to see how the harvest was doing and asked a farmer and the farmer said: “Oh, comrade commissar! If we took all the potatoes, they would reach the foot of God。”, “Comrade farmer, This is the soviet Union. There is no God”, “that’s okey, there is no potatoes. ” *A judge was laughing in his office over a jock he heard. The secretary asked “what’s so funny?”, he replied “I just heard the funniest joke ever.”, “what was it?”, “I can’t say. I just sentenced a man to death for telling it”
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