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War criminal Kissinger
送交者: 金無明 2023年05月21日09:38:43 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話

----- Forwarded Message -----

From:   Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 11:24:30 AM CDT

Subject: Fw: Sound of silent: War criminal Kissinger Re: Kissinger's B-Day Present

------ Original Message ------

Received: Sun, 21 May 2023 06:01:44 AM CDT
From: "Danaka, CODEPINK"





Support peace activists disrupting the war machine!


In dishonor of the repugnant war criminal Henry Kissinger celebrating his 100th birthday next weekend, we want to remind everyone that CODEPINK still has a "warrant" out for his arrest after we tried to arrest him in Congress years ago:


Give Kissinger the worst birthday present ever: support peace and give to CODEPINK!            

Kissinger hasn't made a ton of public appearances lately, but we've been kicked out of what feels like every single think tank or hearing in Washington calling out other war criminals.

Here's a recap of what we've been up to this year:            

In March for International Women's Day, we dropped a banner over the Chicago River, created a human peace sign in Congress, and more.            

Less than two weeks later, we had a massive protest outside the White House to call for diplomacy in Ukraine and held over a dozen sister rallies all over the country. In the midst of all that, our co-founder Medea Benjamin had her book tour event in Seattle cancelled because she supports diplomacy in Ukraine!


Then, we disrupted a congressional hearing with Secretary of State Antony Blinken seven times calling for peace, an end to sanctions on Cuba, and more. Everyone who called for peace was arrested and taken to jail... worth it!!!


We then had our Ground the F-35 fighter jet week of action, where we got on stage with the VP of war profiteer Lockheed Martin to tell her that war profiteering isn't feminist.


That same week, our team in Chicago traveled up to Wisconsin and blocked a shift change at Truax air base to call attention to the deadly F-35 program set to move there this year. Luckily we didn't get arrested there, so we headed straight to the Wisconsin capitol building for an 18-foot banner drop (in case we hadn't made ourselves clear at the airbase).            


For Earth Day last month, we raved and rallied across the country saying "War is Not Green!" While that was happening, we brought a shareholder proposal to BlackRock about their criminal climate activity, which will be voted on at the end of the month!


At the end of April, our Latin America team organized a historic policy forum demanding an end to sanctions and more cooperation with countries like Cuba, Venezuela, and more.


While our team in DC lobbied for a different relationship with Latin America, four members of CODEPINK's youth cohort traveled to Cuba to learn firsthand about brutal US sanctions and to learn about Cuban culture and history.


A couple of weeks ago, Olivia got on stage with Nancy Pelosi calling her out for passing ever-increasing Pentagon budgets while our earth suffers the consequences!

On May 3, we disrupted Venezuelan puppet president Juan Guaidó AND Medea got on stage with Secretary of State Antony Blinken to call out his hypocrisy for having an event on World Press Freedom Day while there's been no justice for Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Just this week, Olivia got arrested again for having a sign in a Senate hearing that said, "Money for the Poor, Not for War." Ironically, hawkish Senators were accusing China of being authoritarian while simultaneously having Capitol Police arrest a peaceful protestor.


So, although we can't disrupt Kissinger for his birthday, we've been making sure no war profiteers can talk about foreign policy without being called out.

Dishonor Kissinger for his 100th Birthday! Donate to CODEPINK!            

If you can't support us financially, please organize locally with us around ending the war in Ukraine!            

Towards Peace,              
Danaka and the whole CODEPINK Team.    

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