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香春树说:“因为我太有钱了”—— What a shame-
送交者: Liny 2009年12月13日09:19:37 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话

香春树说:“因为我太有钱了”—— What a shameless guy!

Based on your behavior at the forum, I have the reason to believe that you come here in North America without any specialty and skills. You live in limbo! At most you may work as a dishwasher or cleaner at a Chinese restaurant on a part-time basis with a pay rate of $8 /h.  So, you may spend 20% of your time on “work” and the rest on forum. I’m 100 sure that You never pay tax; instead you survive yourself by government’s financial assistance. You should appreciate taxpayers and the capitalism government.


How you can say “I have too much money”? Where does your money come from?? How much bequest had you received from Mao Zedong??? 


You are necrophilia!!!

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