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Feud and Feudal
送交者: jingchen 2022年10月29日07:21:31 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话

Feud and Feudal

Feud is an intense, dynamic process. Feudal, or feudalism, on the other hand, often renders an impression of static hierarchy. But the feudal system may not be as static as it is portrayed. Feudal societies face intense feuding among themselves.

Europe was full of life when it was in a feudal system, with different parts feuding with each other. After the formation of the European Union, Europe fell into a trajectory of inevitable decline. Currently, the fertility of the European Union is far below the replacement rate.

Chinese culture was in full blossom when China was in a feudal system more than two thousand years. Different ideas flourished among intense feuding. After the unification of the land, China became largely a static society for thousands of years. Currently, with the unprecedented concentration of power and the lack of feuding, the society withers under the scorch of the great sun. Fertility rate in China falls to an unprecedented low level.  

Feudal systems, with intense feuding, preserve human vitality. Unification and globalism, with intense elimination of any dissents and feuding, destroys human vitality.


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