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After thought of
送交者: 老广2 2007年02月10日09:21:11 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话

China's feet of clay, is a good article which sticks to the history as little as I know. Barbarian maybe a pejorative word for Russia. But China, indeed, has tasted way too much bitterness from Russia. It is sad to read what happened in Chinese history as China, most often although open for debate, had no alternative at that time but to accept shameful agreements. That is why many of us are in hope of a stronger China.

I know some of you because of various reasons who hate Chinese communist party, hate Chinese government, and even to the extend hate Chinese people.

Before I go on further, let me stress that Chinese refers to Chinese descendants regardless what nationality we are or where about do we live. It is the fact, especially in western countries, in which we are Chinese to other race people. You may not be proud of it. You may be stereotyped. And you may have to face racist now and then in life if not everyday. I don't like it. You hate it. But it won't change the fact that we are Chinese. It is in our blood no matter what.

If you are not Chinese and you hate everything about China, then I can take it. If you are Chinese and you were hurt by Chinese communist party thus hate the party and even the government, I would understand. But to hate your own people and to curse your own people, for that I don't understand, nor can I take it.

There is a saying that love and hate are just paper thin. So maybe you are so disappointed and ashamed by some Chinese people that you turn to hate them(恨铁不成钢). And deny your own identity. Which, for being a well-educated people like you, is not a constructive move.

Chinese people (including me) have different degrees of characteristics that are vulgar, ugly, and undesirable. Many Chinese have debate on this and conclude that it is because of our culture, influence of a few thousands years of the system of enforcement. It is true or not is still open for debate. Let's assume it is true that we are born with some ugly characteristics. And for the technology to be known at the moment, we can not alter our DNA yet. So what should we do? I would like to have your input on this. Thanks in advance.

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