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送交者: oops 2016年06月06日04:30:19 於 [靈機一動] 發送悄悄話
愛爾蘭民謠歌手Christy Moore,唱的是1988年愛爾蘭足球隊在歐洲杯戰勝英格蘭一役的光榮事跡哈哈。歌詞貼在下面了。
愛爾蘭英語抑揚頓挫,極富節奏和樂感,所以愛爾蘭folk song在英語歌曲世界裡也獨具魅力。

Joxer Goes to Stuttgart Lyrics

It was in the year of eighty-eight, in the lovely month of June,
When the gadflies were swarming and dogs howling at the moon,
Ah with rosary beads and sandwiches for Stuttgart we began,
Joxer packed his German phrase-book, and jump-leads for the van.

Ah well some of the lads had never been away from home before.
It was the first time Whacker put his foot outside of Inchicore.
And before we left for Europe, we knew we’d need a plan,
So we all agreed that Joxer was the man to drive the van.

In Germany the Autobahn was like the Long Mile Road
There was every make of car and van, all carrying the full load
Ford Transits and Hiaces, and an old Bedford from Tralee,
With the engine overheating from long-hauling duty free.

There were fans from Ballyfermot, Ballybough and Ballymun
On the journey of a lifetime and the craic was ninety one
Joxer met a German’s daughter on the banks of the River Rhine
and he told her she’d be welcome in Ballyfermot anytime

And as soon as we found Stuttgart, we got the wagons in a ring
Sean óg got out the banjo and Peter played the mandolin.
Oh there were fans there from everywhere, attracted by the sound
At the first Fleadh Ceol in Europe and Joxer passed the flagon round

But the session it ended when we’d finished all the stout
The air mattresses inflated and the sleeping bags rolled out
As one by one we fell asleep, Joxer had a dream
He dreamt himself and Jack Charlton sat down to pick the team

Joxer dreamt they both agreed on Packie Bonner straight away
And that Moran, Whelan and McGrath were certainly to play
Ah but tempers they began to rise, patience wearing thin
Jack wanted Cascarino, but Joxer wanted Quinn

And the dream turned into a nightmare, Joxer stuck the head on Jack
Who wanted to bring Johnny Giles and Eamonn Dunphy back
Ah well the cock crew in the morning, it crew both loud and shrill
And Joxer woke up in his sleeping bag many miles from Arbour Hill

Ah next morning none of the experts gave us the slightest chance
They said that the English team would lead us on a merry dance
Ah with their union jacks all them English fans for victory they were set
Until Ray Houghton got the ball and he stuck it in the net

What happened next is history, brought tears to many eyes
Oh that day will be the highlight of many people’s lives
Well Joxer climbed right over the top and the last time he was seen
Was arm-in-arm with Jack Charlton, singing ‘Revenge for Skibbereen’.

Ah now Whacker’s back in Inchicore, he’s living with his Mam
And Jack Charlton has been proclaimed an honorary Irishman
Listen do you remember that German’s daughter on the banks of the River Rhine
Ah jeez, well didn’t she show up in Ballyfermot last week ….
  哈,好聽好聽,解乏:)。。  /無內容 - 土豆姐姐 06/06/16 (243)
    福貴就愛干帶話和帶路的事兒... :)  /無內容 - layworld 06/06/16 (328)
      9494,帶路黨有的是哈哈  /無內容 - oops 06/06/16 (354)
        告訴那傢伙,跟在程潑婦後面 唉 個茄子,沒有骨頭的 - 老黑魚 06/06/16 (234)
          儂也知道姓程的是嗲奶奶了?赫赫作孽伐不男不女。  /無內容 - oops 06/06/16 (248)
            嗲奶奶是whom呀... :)  /無內容 - layworld 06/06/16 (248)
              就是一個很嗲很嗲的洋囡囡啦。哈哈  /無內容 - oops 06/06/16 (260)
                這還是打啞謎... :) - layworld 06/07/16 (172)
                  很久以前有個愛莫名其妙罵人的ID - oops 06/07/16 (182)
                    看來還是我歷史學得不好... :)  /無內容 - layworld 06/07/16 (174)
                哈哈哈哈。。  /無內容 - 土豆姐姐 06/06/16 (285)
                  哈哈,嗲死她!  /無內容 - oops 06/07/16 (203)
  GO IRISH... :)  /無內容 - layworld 06/06/16 (177)
    有味道吧?愛爾蘭人講話就老有味道了  /無內容 - oops 06/06/16 (216)
      yeah... :)  /無內容 - layworld 06/06/16 (228)
  小屋最近在看翻譯官麼?是以法語翻譯為背景的  /無內容 - 佛羅里達的沙灘 06/06/16 (165)
    不知道呀。給個鏈接我瞅瞅?  /無內容 - oops 06/06/16 (295)
      家裡領導在看,我有時也瞅瞅。導演貌似欺負我們不懂法文麼 - 佛羅里達的沙灘 06/06/16 (283)
        不好看!假的一塌糊塗,怎麼這些人沒找樺樹投資嗎。哈哈  /無內容 - oops 06/07/16 (161)
        國劇啊,那就懸。哈哈 - oops 06/06/16 (243)
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