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送交者: jingchen 2017年09月20日07:32:47 於 [靈機一動] 發送悄悄話

Similar words, different meanings

Some words have similar forms in French and English.But their meanings can be very different. Exploiter in French means operate in English. Pain in French means bread. Poisson in French means fish. Gras in French means fat. Ail in French means garlic. Lisent in French means read. These words often have opposite meanings in French and English.

These words indicate that the ancestors of French are more powerful than the ancestors of English. A certain action, which is normal operation for ancient French, is exploitation for ancient English. When ancient French were eating bread, it was painful for hungry ancient English to look on. In general, observing the lifestyle of the affluent is very painful for the poor. When ancient French and ancient English were together, French read out the orders and English listen. 

The differences in meaning of the two languages show that when two groups are of different status, it is impossible to have the same perspective. 

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