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Envelope and develop
送交者: jingchen 2018年07月24日02:12:35 於 [靈機一動] 發送悄悄話

Envelope and develop

The earth is largely enveloped by trees and grasses

They absorb and store solar energy 

They release oxygen

Oxygen envelopes the earth completely 

Oxygen protects hydrogen from escaping the earth 

So water can stay on the earth and envelope the earth 

Of all the planets in the solar system 

The earth is the only one 

Enveloped by vegetation 

Enveloped by oxygen 

Enveloped by water 

We can only survive

On this enveloped planet 

But we love to develop 

To de-velop the land en-veloped by trees and grasses

We develop trees to erect buildings

We develop grasses to pave the roads with concretes 

We pride ourselves as developed 

We urge others to keep developing 

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