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送交者: 土豆姐姐 2016年05月17日15:44:58 於 [靈機一動] 發送悄悄話



Have you ever read a comic book and wondered what your favorite super hero is ?

let us take a guess. Can it fly or is it a demi god? Well I can do this all day but you never will guess mine right because my hero can’t fly or rip a mountain in half. Mine is my mother’s mum my grandma. You might be like say what?




My grandma is a very talented lady. She used to be a teacher and she can translate Chinese into English and do back from English to Chinese. Her mother and father used to serve in WWII. My grandma is a hard working lady too. She cooks breakfast, lunch and dinner for the three hungry monsters who just come back from work and school. She also has to face my sweaty clothes. She walks a lot and she swims a lot that’s probably where she gets some of her mussels from but now they are all turning into fat.


My grandma is very humorous. She makes me laugh all the time. She has plenty of wonderful bed time story for a kid who’s in year 5 such as Quest to the West. My grandma is a super kind lady. She joins a service to help the elderly as a volunteer and she is always there when I need her just like superman. Grandma loves books she used to be called a nerd when she was young but not any more. She loves studying too just like peater paker before he was spider man.


My grandma might not have super powers but from the ways she acts she is just a hero at least in my heart. Well a super hero is usually talented, strong and humorous My grandma is just the same without a power of course. So next time you may choose such a hero: it might not have enough power but you can tell by the way they act. THANK YOU.    

我外婆可能沒有超能力,但是從她的行為方式來看就是一個英雄,至少在我的心裡她是。一個超人一般得有才華,有強壯的身體和幽默感,外婆除了沒有超能力其它都具備。因此,下一次你可以選擇這樣的英雄:它可能沒有足夠的力量,但你可以選擇他們的行為方式。 謝謝。 




  這小孩很可愛!!!  /無內容 - oops 05/18/16 (111)
    謝謝阿霧喜歡~~~  /無內容 - 土豆姐姐 05/18/16 (103)
  外婆幽默,土豆姐太有福了。  /無內容 - Box 05/17/16 (107)
    :)  /無內容 - 土豆姐姐 05/18/16 (44)
  我光看的中文,寫的太好了,樸實無華,感情真摯  /無內容 - zxbts 05/17/16 (141)
    大概翻譯了一下,請看原文。。  /無內容 - 土豆姐姐 05/17/16 (203)
      中文看着舒服,真棒!外孫給你這鑑定寫得好。哈哈  /無內容 - 老黑魚 05/17/16 (136)
        所以一個人是否真實在網上是能夠看出來的。。 - 土豆姐姐 05/17/16 (155)
    哈哈哈,我自己來翻譯,等哈:))  /無內容 - 土豆姐姐 05/17/16 (143)
  外孫眼中的俺竟然是英雄,呵呵。。 - 土豆姐姐 05/17/16 (153)
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