女兒給媽媽的生日禮物 | |||||||||||
送交者: 恩上加恩 2017年10月08日14:22:14 於 [跨國婚姻] 發送悄悄話 | |||||||||||
親愛的媽媽, 生日快樂!我一直在想要送什麼禮物給你,但是很難,因為你總是這樣喜樂和滿足。我想不出你有什麼想要的。當我一天天長大,我開始思想我的日子是否花太多時間去獲得東西,以此使自己的生活更好。我盼望當我到了你現在的年紀,能像你一樣通過在神裡面得成全和知足,並且為我過往生命中所作的而心滿意足,而不再想要更多的東西。你一直向我顯明人活着應該是為了讓別人生活得更好,而不是不停追求讓自己生活得更好。自我出生以來,你一直努力讓我生活得更好,我永遠為此感恩!謝謝你作我的媽媽,你是一個跟隨神的人,是我和你周圍每個人的鼓勵。 我愛你! 你的女兒。
Dear Mom, Happy birthday! I was thinking about what to get for you and it is so hard because you are so happy and satisfied with your life that there is nothing I would buy that you would even want. As I grow older I think about my own life and if I spend too much time wanting things and trying to make my life better. I hope that when I have arrived at the point in my life which you are currently at, I will be as accomplished and as fulfilled through God as you are and that I can look at the things that I have done in my life and not want anything more. You have always shown me that instead of constantly trying to make your life better, you should be trying to make better the lives of others. You have made my life better since the day I was born and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you being a mom, a follower of God, and an inspiration to me and everyone you know. I love you ! Your daughter,
註:女兒送給她媽媽自製的生日卡中用英文寫了上面這段話,滿感動我的,翻譯出來,與大家分享。 其它博文
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