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Walk Away - Matt Monro
送交者: 山中狼 2005年03月30日19:29:16 於 [跨國婚姻] 發送悄悄話

Walk away, please go
Before you throw your life away
A life that I could share for just a day
We should have met some years ago
For your sake I say
Walk away, just go.

Walk away, and live
A life that's full
With no regret
Don't look back at me
Just try to forget
Why build a dream that cannot come true
So be strong, reach the stars now
Walk away, walk on.

If I heard your voice
I'd beg you to stay
So don't say a word
Just run, run away.

Goodbye my love
My tears will fall
Now that you've gone
I can't help but cry
But I must go on
I'm sad that I after searching so long
Knew, I loved you, but I told you
Walk away, walk on, walk on

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