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Kristian Lundin:一息尚存(I'M ALIVE)
送交者: wzan 2005年05月26日14:46:54 於 [跨國婚姻] 發送悄悄話

by Kristian Lundin

When you call on me
When I hear you breathe
I get wings tro fly
I feel that i am alive

When you look at me
i can touch the sky
i know that i'm alive

When you bless the day
i just drift away
All my worries die
i'm glad that i'm alive

You set my heart on fire
Filled me with love
Made a woman on clouds above
i couldn't get much higher
My spirit takes flight
'Cause i 'm alive

When you call on me
When i hear you breathe
i get wings to fly
i feel that i'm alive

When you reach for me
Raising spirits high
God knows that i'll be the one standing by
through good and through trying times
And it's only begun
i cann't wait for the rest of my life

When you call on me
When you reach for me
I get wings to fly
i feel that

When you bless the day
i just drift away
All my worries die
i know that i'm alive

i get wings to fly
God knows that i'm alive

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2004: 朋友牛哥
2004: 十六歲
2002: 玩具
2002: 柳派傳人飄渺如霧請進