李曼沒了,美林folded into Bank of America, AIG基本上被國有化了。極度震撼的一周。 雖然沒有李曼、美林等公司的股票(近幾日買入少量AIG),對這幾家公司(包括Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac)的命運深感遺憾。從很大程度上說,華爾街的震盪也算是房地產、金融界咎由自取,華盛頓failed in regulations, 也負有不可推卸的責任。話雖如此,眼見美國金融界幾大支柱垮掉,難免遺憾。
這幾周市場上充斥着“fears and rumors”。房市、股市風暴留下很多教訓,不過,對於我這樣的旁觀者,現在還不是寫總結,品頭評足的時候。參與的機會幾個月來多了,一句話,賺錢要緊。
“Be fearful when everyone is greedy. Be greedy when everyone is fearful”. 不記得是哪一位說的這句話,我覺得還要再加兩個字:Be prudent as well as greedy when everyone is fearful.
美國股市不缺錢,a lot of capital sitting on the sideline,現在缺的是信心和信任。A new version of RTC typy relief plan 將會逐步扭轉這一局面。財政部長Henry Paulson, in my view, is a pragmatic guy.
不要恐慌,keep your calm. The market had its ups and down as always, the economy will be moving on again.