《越界:跨國跨族的情與愛》有獎徵文活動啟事:還有20天截稿 |
送交者: 寄北 2010年08月11日12:41:38 於 [跨國婚姻] 發送悄悄話 |
《越界:跨國跨族的情與愛》有獎徵文活動啟事 寄北 葉茲 什麼是消滅種族之間的歧視、偏見、成見的最有效的武器?答案不是戰爭,不是打鬥,不是爭吵,而是愛情和婚姻:當兩個有着不同膚色,不同文化,不同語言的人願意住在一起並耐心地,包容地,理解地對待彼此的不同,這份不同便有機會創造出一個全新的同來;這個世界也就因此會多出一份美麗,一份和諧。當然這條路上不全是鮮花和坦途;這條路上的障礙甚至可能比任何人想象的都多:大家還記得,跨國婚姻這個話題不久前還是個禁忌。即使是現在,談論的人也不多。可很多的東、西方讀者都非常希望能讀到有關這個主題的好作品,給他們現有的或將來的跨國愛情和婚姻作一點指導,一點借鑑。當然,也有純粹是好奇,也許還帶一點偏見的讀者。 這就是為什麼我們希望你們能拿起筆,用中文或英文(或中文和英文)寫下你們真實的或源於真實的動人故事,道出“越界”的酸甜和苦辣,歡笑和哭泣。相信這將是另一個有意思又有意義的旅程。 此次有獎徵文活動的截止日期是2010年8月30日。所有的參賽作品會由專家評出獎項;前三十名作品將被整理出書,版本為中英文兩種。每位作者會獲贈書。 具體事項: 主辦機構:加加拿大大大出版社(www.cacanadadada.com) 合辦機構:馨橋文學社,加州中文在線 (www.sf.westca.com), 北美多元文化交流基金會 協辦機構: 評判初審:溫哥華作家組成的初審評判團,約十人。 評判終審:啞弦、劉慧琴、申慧輝、王海倫、李安等。 徵文日期:2010年3月18日至2010年8月30日。 徵文內容:短篇小說或散文均可,五千字左右,用中文或英文書寫,主題為跨族婚姻。需原創,發表過但版權歸自己的作品也可。 徵文獎項:一等獎:300加元,二等獎: 150加元,三等獎:100加元,優秀獎: 50加元。前三十名將由加拿大溫哥華的加加拿大大大出版社集結出版,分中英文兩個版本。每位作者會獲贈書一本。被選中的作品,還將在中文報紙上刊登。 Crossing Lines: The Laughter and Tears of Interracial Relationship Contest Jibei and J. Michael Yates What is the best weapon to get rid of racism, prejudice, and stereotypes? The answer is not physical or verbal warfare; the answer is love and marriage, interracial. When two people of different colors, different cultures, and different languages come together and treat each other’s difference patiently, tolerantly, and understandingly, the difference has a chance to lead to a brand new congruity. And, the world will have more beauty and more harmony. Of course, this journey is not full of flowers and smooth rides; it can have more obstacles than anybody imagines: not too long ago, the interracial relationships were still a forbidden topic. Even now, not many talk about it. Yet, many Eastern and Western readers are eagerly waiting for others to speak up. Some of those people hope to find guidance and advice for their existing or future interracial relationships; others are simply curious, maybe even a little prejudiced. That is why we need you to pick up your pen and write down all the laughter and tears of your interracial relationship in either Chinese or English. We trust this will be another interesting and meaningful journey. We will then collect all the stories and put them into a book. The book will have Chinese and English editions, respectively, and will be published around November 2010 by Cacanadadada Press(www.cacanadadada.com), a publishing company based in More Details: Submission Period: Entries accepted between March 8 – August 30, 2010. Early submission is encouraged. Copyrights: The copyrights of the winning works and the top 30 belong to Cacanadadada Press (www.cacanadadada.com). |
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