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Dont know much - Linda Ronstadt/Aaron Neville
送交者: 雲清 2004年09月14日12:36:49 於 [跨國婚姻] 發送悄悄話

Don't know much

look at this face i know the years are showing
look at this life i still don't know where it's going
i don't know much but i know i love you
and that may be all i need to know

look at these eyes they never see what matters
look at these dreams so beaten and so battered
i don't know much but i know i love you
and that may be all i need to know

so many questions still left unanswered
so much i've never broken through
and when i feel you near me sometimes
i see so clearly the only truth
i'll ever know is near you

look at this man so blessed with inspiration
look at this soul still searching for salvation
i don't know much but i know i love you
and that may be all i need to know

i don't know much but i know i love you
and that may be all i need to know
i don't know much but i know i love you
and that may be all i need to know

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