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I wish you know how much I love you
送交者: 常乐^^ 2004年09月18日20:34:31 于 [跨国婚姻] 发送悄悄话

I wish you know
how much I love you

I dream of you every day of my life
but you don’t even know my love
just like a friend you treat
me like it should be
tell me how can I make this real
I think of you every where I go
but you don’t even know I can(care?)
oh, how I wish you here beside me
love you with all my heart
I wish you know how much I love you
it has been driving my heart crazy
If I tell you how I feel will you be here,
be here with me
oh, I am dreaming, or just a fantasy
how can I know if you let me in your heart
oh, I am dreaming, or just a reality
please let me hold you in my arm
through all the night 


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