周末段子:昨晚酋長與海豚的比賽,到底有多冷? |
送交者: 爪四哥 2024年01月14日05:34:37 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話 |
Reid's mustache frozenover with icicles duringfrigid Chiefs-Dolphinsgame in Kansas City
Kansas City Chiefs head coach Andy Reid had his mustache frozen over during a game against the Miami Dolphins Saturday, Jan. 13, 2024, in Kansas City, Mo. (AP Photo/Ed Zurga) It's really cold in Kansas City. How cold is it? It's so cold that Andy Reid's mustache froze over by halftime of Saturday's playoff game between the Miami Dolphins and Kansas City Chiefs. Seriously. 賽後,Andy Reid 接受 Fox 記者採訪: Fox 記者:小安子,能不能談談鬍子被凍僵的感受? Andy Reid: 不敢碰,一碰鬍子就斷。不過,跟場上的球員比,俺還是幸運多了。 Fox 記者:此話怎講? Andy Reid: 實在是忒特莫冷了!場上球員們的 JJ 也都被凍僵了。但是,為了贏球,激烈的身體碰撞是必須滴,所以,你懂的 。。。。 Fox 記者:我擦!難怪,每次 Kelce 接球後,被對方猛烈衝撞,在溫暖的包廂里給情郎助威的 Talor Swift 都臉色煞白。 Andy Reid: 這一切後果,都是爪四哥一手造成的!!!! Fox 記者:Why? How? Andy Reid:比賽時的地表氣溫,其實沒有辣莫低,(Temperatures at kickoff hovered around -4 degrees )。但是,爪四哥忒特莫能吹了!他這一吹不要緊,讓溫度急速下降到了-27(with the wind chill recorded at -27)! 爪哥結語: 爪哥做為酋長隊與小馬哥的粉絲,知道“天寒地凍+狂風呼嘯”,是遏止以 passing game+team speed 見長的邁阿密海豚隊的最佳武器。 所以,為了幫助酋長隊獲勝,大病初癒的爪哥,且吹且珍惜,再次奉獻了九十九分汗水 。。。。
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