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送交者: 爪四哥 2024年05月15日16:54:37 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话



1. 美国与英国军队当年在伊拉克大开杀戒,导致60多万伊拉克平民丧生,还包括被误杀的战地记者。为何美国总统拜登与英国前首相喀麦隆不谴责英美犯下战争罪?种族灭绝行为?

2. 美国当年在阿富汗大开杀戒,导致四万多阿富汗平民丧生。为何美国总统拜登与英国前首相喀麦隆不谴责美国犯下战争罪?种族灭绝行为?

3. 美国与英国当年在利比亚大开杀戒,导致无数利比亚平民丧生,为何美国总统拜登与英国前首相喀麦隆不谴责英美犯下战争罪?种族灭绝行为?

4. 以色列军队现在在加沙“肃清”恐怖组织哈马斯,导致三万多巴勒斯坦人丧生(平民+恐怖分子),当然也包括被误杀的战地记者与联合国救济署成员。为何美国总统拜登与英国前首相喀麦隆谴责以色列犯下战争罪?种族灭绝行为?

When British or U.S. troops accidentally kill innocent civilians, journalists or aid workers it's 'friendly fire' in the heat of battle. When Israel does likewise, it's a deliberate war crime. The double-standards are nauseating.


5. 种族灭绝以色列,是哈马斯自打成立以来的最高纲领。而以色列,从来没有打算种族灭绝巴勒斯坦。

6. 挑起战争的是恐怖组织哈马斯,不是以色列。

7. 继续战争的是恐怖组织哈马斯,不是以色列。哈马斯交出全部人质,宣布投降,战争就会立即结束,巴勒斯坦平民的生命也将得以保全。

8. 利用巴勒斯坦平民做人肉盾牌与以色列国防军对抗的,是哈马斯。打击哈马斯之前,绝大多数时间都会预先向平民发出警告的,是以色列。

9. 战争是残酷的,尤其是人口稠密的城市战,平民的伤亡不可避免。平民的大量伤亡,应该由把平民当人肉盾牌的恐怖组织哈马斯负全责。

10. 以色列在舆论战上,已经完败给了哈马斯。

(ZT)RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: When U.S. troops kill aid workers, it's 'friendly fire'. When Israel does, it's a 'war crime'. The double standards are nauseating

The call came through as I was leaving Twickenham after an England rugby international in March 2003. My old friend Terry Lloyd, the brilliant ITN correspondent, had been killed in Iraq.

He was on the outskirts of Basra, travelling in a 4x4 clearly marked 'TV'. When the fog of war lifted, it was determined that the fatal shot had been fired by a U.S. soldier, who has never been identified. Terry's translator also died and his French cameraman was missing, presumed dead.

A subsequent inquest ruled that Terry had been unlawfully killed by American troops and his lawyer said he had been the victim of a 'very serious war crime'. No one was ever charged.

The shock of his death was as traumatic for his family and friends as for those of the three brave British aid workers killed by Israeli forces in Gaza this week.

But no one at the time demanded that the American-led Coalition — which included 46,000 British military personnel — withdraw immediately from Iraq, allow Saddam Hussein to remain in power and abandon the hunt for what turned out to be non-existent weapons of mass destruction.

ITN correspondent Terry Lloyd was killed in Iraq in 2003 after a U.S. soldier shot at the 4x4 vehicle he was travelling in that was clearly marked 'TV'

Employees from the World Central Kitchen were killed after they became caught up in an Israeli air strike amid the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel

An estimated 300,000 Iraqi civilians were killed after the 2003 Anglo-American invasion, and although there was widespread opposition to the war I don't recall anyone credibly accusing the British or U.S. governments of committing 'genocide'.

In 2011, a NATO-led bombing campaign in Libya, enthusiastically endorsed by then Prime Minister David Cameron, claimed countless innocent lives. After the fall of Colonel Gaddafi, Call Me Dave even went on a victory parade in Tripoli.

Yet today, the now Lord Cameron is condemning Israel over its actions in Gaza and demanding a 'full, transparent explanation'.

Joe Biden was first a senator, then Vice-President during the American war in Afghanistan, where the civilian death toll is officially put at over 45,000. He, too, says he's 'outraged' over the deaths of the aid workers in Gaza and is putting pressure on Israel to cease hostilities.

Both Cameron and Biden can legitimately be accused of self-serving hypocrisy, aimed at restoring their own, tarnished wartime reputations and, in the case of the U.S. President, seeking electoral advantage by sucking up to Muslim voters in swing states such as Michigan.

When British or U.S. troops accidentally kill innocent civilians, journalists or aid workers it's 'friendly fire' in the heat of battle. When Israel does likewise, it's a deliberate war crime. The double-standards are nauseating.

As is the virtue-signalling, round-robin letter to the Prime Minister from 600 lawyers, academics and retired senior judges, including Baroness Hale, of Boris The Spider brooch fame during the Brexit wars. Several of them were preening themselves on the airwaves yesterday, demanding that the Government halts arms sales to Israel.

One part of the letter calls for sanctions against 'individuals and entities who have made statements inciting genocide against Palestinians'.

Lord Cameron is condemning Israel over its actions in Gaza and demanding a full, transparent explanation.

President Joe Biden also says hes outraged over the deaths of the aid workers in Gaza and is putting pressure on Israel to cease hostilities
What's that supposed to mean — that anyone who supports Israel's right to self-defence is guilty of inciting genocide? Sounds suspiciously to me like the ludicrous 'hate speech' law that came into force in Scotland this week. This is cost-free compassion, designed primarily to make the signatories feel good about themselves.

I've no doubt many of them are sincere, horrified — as we all are, supporters of Israel and Palestinians sympathisers alike — at the carnage unfolding in Gaza. But by concentrating their disdain on Israel, they are acting as Hamas's Useful Idiots.

In some ways they're giving succour to the 'River to the Sea' crowd peddling Jew-hatred on the streets of London and elsewhere every weekend.

By parroting Hamas propaganda, repeating uncorroborated claims about the number of civilians killed, they are doing the terrorists' dirty work for them. One of these distinguished lawyers turned up on Sky News yesterday claiming, without a shred of evidence, that Israeli troops were deliberately targeting children and had lined up doctors and nurses against a wall and shot them.

Also on Sky, a veteran journalist who should know better repeated the Hamas claim that Israel had killed 35,000 'mostly women and children'. No terrorists, then?

The latest calls for a ceasefire centre on the battle at the Al-Shifa hospital, used as a base by both Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the groups behind the October 7 massacre. Indeed, there's evidence some of the hostages had been dragged there.

The hospital lies in ruins after two weeks of intense fighting, or as Sky would have it: 'Israeli bombardment'. But who the hell does anyone think the Israelis have been fighting — cancer patients, maternity ward orderlies, orthopaedic surgeons?

It's as if Hamas has been written out of the script entirely and Israel has simply decided to slaughter as many sick Palestinians and innocent hospital staff as possible.

If Israel was hell-bent on 'genocide' there wouldn't be a single Palestinian left alive today. Instead, it has taken extraordinary steps to avoid civilian casualties, which are entirely the fault of Hamas.

Building tunnels under schools, mosques and hospitals, from which to launch missiles and cross-border attacks on Israel, demonstrates the terror group's callous disregard for human life.

The quickest way to end the carnage would be for Hamas to surrender and release all the hostages immediately. But there's no evidence of that happening, or any pressure from Arab states to make it happen.

Tentative peace talks always seem to hinge on a disproportionate ten-to-one prisoner swap in Hamas's favour, which Israel can't accept. A ceasefire would simply allow Hamas to re-group and re-arm in preparation for another October 7-style assault.

Hamas has made no secret of the fact it wants to slaughter Jews and wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. Yet, absurdly, it's Israel being accused of genocide.

To those demanding that Israel stands down and lets Hamas continue to occupy its tunnels, I say this: Imagine that the Islamist terrorist who attacked Manchester Arena, killing 22 and injuring 1017 more, hadn't strapped on a suicide vest but instead had planted his bombs before making a swift getaway.

Then after he had escaped, he decamped to Manchester Royal Infirmary, where he was holed up in the basement with a few dozen other jihadists and a deadly arsenal. Should the anti-terror squad just shrug and leave them to it, so that some time later they were free to emerge under the cover of darkness and blow up Old Trafford or go on a gun rampage in the Arndale Centre?

Look, I don't want to sound flippant but Israel is fighting for its very existence against a fanatical Islamist death cult.

It can do without posturing, point-scoring Western politicians, lawyers and activists inserting themselves into the narrative. This isn't about them it's about the very survival of a people and a democratic nation.

Hamas are our enemies, too, the kissing cousins of the nutjobs who blew up Manchester Arena, the London Transport network and have committed countless other terrorist atrocities in Europe. Supporting Israel is not, as m'learned friends pretended this week, 'inciting genocide'. Quite the opposite, in fact.

War is hell and there will always be, to use that horrible euphemism, 'collateral damage'.

Terry Lloyd and the courageous aid workers killed in Gaza this week understood that.

They knew the risks but were prepared to put their lives on the line in pursuit of, in Terry's case the truth, and on the part of the aid workers, bringing food and comfort to those in danger.

Their untimely deaths are undoubtedly tragic, but the aid workers would still be alive had it not been for the slaughter of 1,200 innocents on October 7.

Israel is being blamed, but Hamas has their blood on its hands. Sadly, despite the best efforts of brave journalists like Terry Lloyd and others over the years, the truth remains the first casualty of war.

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闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柣鎴eГ閸ゅ嫰鏌ら崫銉︽毄濞寸姵姘ㄧ槐鎾诲磼濞嗘帒鍘$紓渚囧櫘閸ㄨ泛鐣峰┑鍡忔瀻闊洦娲樺▓楣冩⒑闂堟稓绠為柛濠冩礋瀹曟﹢鍩€椤掆偓椤啴濡堕崱妤€顫囬梺绋块瀹曨剟鎯冮鈧埞鎴︽晬閸曨偂鏉梺绋匡攻閻楁粓寮鈧獮鎺楀棘閸濆嫪澹曞┑顔结缚閸樠勬櫠娴煎瓨鐓冪憸婊堝礈濮樿埖鍤屽Δ锝呭彎閸ャ劌顕遍柡澶嬪殾閿曞倹鐓曢柡鍥ュ妼閻忕姷绱掗悩鍐测枙闁哄瞼鍠撻埀顒佺⊕宀f寧淇婇崶顒佺厱閻庯綆鍋呭畷宀€鈧鍠楁刊鐣岀不濞戞埃鍋撻敐鍌涙珕闁活偄绻樺缁樻媴閼恒儳銆婇梺闈╃秶缁犳捇鐛箛娑欐櫢闁跨噦鎷� | 濠电姷鏁告慨鎾儉婢舵劕绾ч幖瀛樻尭娴滅偓淇婇妶鍕妽闁告瑥绻橀弻锝夊箣閿濆棭妫勭紒鎯у⒔缁垳鎹㈠☉銏犵婵炲棗绻掓禒楣冩⒑缁嬪尅榫氶柛鈺傜墱閹广垹鈹戠€n偒妫冨┑鐐村灥瀹曨剟宕滈幍顔剧=濞达絽鎼暩闂佸摜濮甸悧鐘差嚕婵犳艾惟闁冲搫鍊告禍婊堟⒑閸涘﹦绠撻悗姘嚇婵偓闁靛牆妫楅埀顒€鐏氶幈銊ヮ潨閸℃鈷掑┑鈥冲级濡炰粙寮诲鍫闂佸憡鎸婚悷褏鍒掔拠宸悑濠㈣泛锕﹂敍鐔兼⒒娓氬洤澧紒澶婎嚟缁鎮╃拠鑼啇闂佸湱鈷堥崢楣冨储濠婂懐纾界€广儱妫涙晶鐢告煛鐏炶濮傞柟顔哄€濆畷鎺戔槈濮楀棔绱� | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾圭€瑰嫭鍣磋ぐ鎺戠倞闁靛ě鍛獎闂備礁澹婇崑鍡涘窗閸℃ḿ顩烽柛顐犲灮绾惧ジ鎮楅敐搴′航闁稿簺鍎茬换娑㈠礂閼测晛鈪归梺瀹狀潐閸ㄥ潡骞冮埡浣烘殾闁搞儴鍩栧▓褰掓⒒娴h櫣甯涢悽顖ょ磿缁寮介鐐舵憰闂佺粯妫佸▍锝囧婵傚憡鐓忛煫鍥ㄦ礀鏍¢梺璇茬箰閻楀繒妲愰幘瀛樺闁告繂瀚烽埀顒佹尵缁辨挸顓奸崟顓犵崲閻庢鍠栭…鐑藉箖閵忋垺鍋橀柍銉ュ帠婢规洖鈹戦悙鏉戠仸闁荤噦绱曠槐鎾愁潩閼哥數鍘藉銈嗘尵閸庢劙宕曢幋鐘电<閺夊牄鍔屽ù顔姐亜閵忊€冲摵鐎规洖宕灒濞撴凹鍨槐锟� | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾瑰瀣捣閻棗霉閿濆牊顏犵紒鈧繝鍌楁斀闁绘ê寮堕幖鎰磽娴e弶娅婄€殿喖鐖煎畷鐓庮潩椤撶喓褰囬梻浣规た閸樹粙鎮烽埡鍛摕闁炽儲鍓氶崥瀣煕閹扳晛濡兼い顒€顑呴—鍐Χ閸屾稒鐝栭梺绋跨箲閿曘垹顕f繝姘亜闁稿繒鍘ч埀顒傜帛娣囧﹪顢涘┑鎰闂佸搫妫欓〃濠傤潖閸濆嫮鏆﹂柛銉e妼濞堝瞼绱撴担鍓叉Ц缂傚秴锕ら锝囨嫚瀹割喖鎮戞繝銏f硾閿曪箓宕㈤崨濠勭閺夊牆澧介崚浼存煙濞村鍋撻弬銉︾亖闂侀潧臎閸涱垽绱冲┑鐐舵彧缁插潡骞婇幘璇叉瀬濡わ絽鍟悡娆撴煕閹存瑥鈧牜鈧熬鎷� | 缂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲梺姹囧€ら崰妤呭Φ閸曨垰鍐€妞ゆ劦婢€缁爼姊洪幖鐐插闁稿﹤顭烽獮澶愬箹娴g懓浜遍梺鍓插亝缁诲嫰鎮烽弻銉︹拺缂佸顑欓崕鎴︽煕閻樺啿濮嶅┑锛勬暬瀹曠喖顢涘顒€鏁ら梻渚€娼ф灙闁稿骸鎼灋婵犲﹤鐗婇埛鎴犵磼鐎n偒鍎ラ柛搴㈠姍閺岀喓绮欏▎鍓у悑濡ょ姷鍋涚换妯虹暦閵娾晛绾ч柟瀵稿濡茬増淇婇悙顏勨偓銈夊储娴犲鍨傞柛顐f硻婢跺⿴鍚嬪璺侯儌閹风粯绻涙潏鍓хК婵炲拑缍佹俊瀛樼節閸ャ劎鍘搁梺鍛婄矆濡炴帡鏌囬娑辨闁绘劘灏欑粻濠氭煛娴h宕岄柡浣规崌閺佹捇鏁撻敓锟� | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紓浣哄Х婵炩偓闁绘搩鍋婂畷鍫曞Ω瑜夊Σ鍫㈢磽娴f彃浜炬繝銏f硾椤戝嫮鎹㈤崱娑欑厪闁割偅绻冮崳娲倵濮橆剚鍣界紒杈ㄦ尭椤撳ジ宕卞▎蹇婃嫲闂備礁鎼張顒勬儎椤栫偛鏄ラ柛鏇ㄥ灠缁€鍐煥濞戞ê顏紒鎰殜濮婄粯鎷呴崫銉礊闂佺娅曢幐鍓у垝閺冨牊鍋ㄩ柛顭戝亜鎼村﹤鈹戦悩缁樻锭妞ゆ垵妫濊棢闁割偆鍠撶粻楣冩煙鐎电ǹ浠ч柟鍐插閺岀喖顢欓悾灞惧櫚闂佽鍠涘▔娑綖濠靛鍊锋い鎺嗗亾妞ゅ骏鎷�

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