I'm sorry you're getting the mail from me at this Point in time,my family and I came down here to Istanbul,Turkey for a short vacation unfortunately we were mugged at the park of the hotel we stayed,all cash credit cards and cell were stolen off but luckily for us we still have our passports with us.
I have been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all and our flight leaves pretty soon from now but we're having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let us leave until we settle the bills.Please be so kind to reply back so I can tell you what to do and how to get some cash to us.
I'm freaked out at the moment
我收到郵件後心急如焚. 心想幾年來我收到不少這樣的郵件,都是俺的不同的朋友們在剛果,南非,菲律賓,泰國,俄羅斯等國家遭遇的同樣的不幸. 讓俺百思不得其解的是,天底下還有這種巧事,所有郵件除了國家不一樣,其餘都寫得一字不差,一模一樣!哇噻,搞得俺都快去信神啦!
那麼多好朋友出事,俺都沒有幫忙,很過意不去. 這回一腚要學習雷鋒好榜樣!於是立馬email 回去要來了郵寄地址,二話不說就先寄去一百萬美元支票給老周救救急.
六天后,我收到從土耳其發來的回件. 翻譯成中文大概是這樣:你這個美國大騙子,畫了這麼張支票過來,騙人不能這麼沒有底線啊!