百老汇喜剧 花鼓歌: 一亿个奇迹 |
送交者: 有哲 2015年11月30日10:19:46 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话 |
《百老汇喜剧 花鼓歌: 一亿个奇迹》 #284 选自百老汇音乐喜剧电影《花鼓歌》(Flower Drum Song),1961。 该电影获5项奥斯卡奖提名。 作曲:理查德·罗杰斯(Richard Rodgers) 作词:奥斯卡·汉默斯坦 二世(Oscar Hammerstein II) 演员/而且演唱: 梅李(Mei Li):由 梅木 美代志(Miyoshi Umeki,日本美国人1929-2007,78岁)扮演。她曾获得奥斯卡最佳配角奖(在另一电影),是唯一的亚裔女子得奥斯卡奖。 故事: 梅李与爸爸在街头卖唱。 歌词: My father says That children keep growing Rivers keep flowing too My father says He doesn't know why But somehow or other they do They do Some how or other they do A hundred million miracles A hundred million miracles Are happ'ning ev'ry day And those who say They don't agree Are those Who do not hear or see A hundred million miracles A hundred million miracles Are happ'ning ev'ry day Miracle of changing weather When a dark blue curtain Is pinned by the stars Pinned by the stars to the sky Ev'ry flow'r And tree is a treat to see The air is very clean and dry Then a wind comes blowing The pins all away Night is confused and upset The sky falls down Like a clumsy clown The flowers And the trees get wet Very wet A hundred million miracles A hundred million miracles Are happ'ning ev'ry day A swallow in Tasmania Is sitting on her eggs And suddenly Those eggs have wings And eyes and beaks and legs A hundred million miracles …… A hundred million miracles A little girl in Chungking Just thirty inches tal Decides that she Will try to walk And nearly doesn't fall A hundred million miracles A hundred million miracles A hundred million miracles A hundred million miracles Are happ'ning ev'ry day 视频(5分01秒) 相关(可点击): 其他(可点击): |
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