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How do you do it?
送交者: mangomango 2003年06月21日15:01:13 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话

When it comes to making love:

Accountants do it with Double Entry.

Acupuncturists do it with a small prick.

Ambulance drivers come quicker.

Australians do it Down Under.

Bankers do it with interest.

Bartenders do it on the Rocks.

Chess players check their Mates.

Cops do it with cuffs.

DJs do it on request.

Deep-sea divers do it under extreme pressure.

Dentist do it orally.

Detectives do it under cover.

Engineers do it to specification .

Firemen do it with a big hose.

Frank Sinatra does it his way.

Garbagemen come twice a week.

Gardeners do it in the bushes.

Gas attendants Pump all day.

Jockeys gallop hard and finish fast.

Landlords do it every 1st of the month.

Mountain Climbers like to be on top.

Pianists touch, tickle, and titilate!

Travel Agents do it in lots of different places.

Waiters and waitresses do it for tips.

Pizza delivery men come in 30 minutes or it's free.

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