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My point is: when you are a
送交者: fangemin 2008月09月12日23:24:22 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
回  答: One thing I should mention is潘涌 于 2008-09-12 19:17:55
hundred years behind somebody else, you cannot expect to catch up overnight, no matter how smart you are. The speed in which China has attained its today's status is already very amazing, thanks to the first, second and third generation leaders as well as the current leaders. Not many third-world nations can enjoy such luck in their struggle to be a viable player in the world.

Also, the development of new technology does not just require vision. It also requires long-term accumulation of know-hows. I have the vision to send people outside of the solar system but is it possible in the next 10 years for this vision to become a reality? No way. When you don't even know how to send people to the Mars, it is a waste of time to plan about going beyond the solar system. Your dad's generation knew very well that you have to walk step by step and you have to eat one bite after another.
  Right peolpe do the - 潘涌 09/13/08 (279)
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