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10000000 "过街老鼠"
送交者: Oak tree 2008月11月28日18:13:15 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 过街老鼠才会这样东躲西藏, 抓他们的不是警察!香椿树 于 2008-11-28 05:18:55
There were more than 100000000 "过街老鼠" in Culture Revolution. Some of them persecuted other people first, only knew they themselves were the targets of the next round of perecuted. Just like what Lin Biao realized later in 1971, Culture Revolution and the whole Mao's "Continuing Revolution" was like a " Meat Squeezer". The biggest loser were the then Red Guard teenagers - When they became useless to Mao, they were then all sent to countryside for " Re-education". And now most of them became unemployed or not important to others.

It is amazing you make assertion that "抓刘少奇一家的不是警察,也不是毛泽东自己".
Of course 毛泽东自己 did not need to 抓刘少奇 ! 毛泽东 only needs to give order, words, or implication, or through his wife ! Again 香椿树 you look down the king's power and insult the great leader/great captain !

刘少奇 is a pity figure. He is a typical example of " The God-maker who was eventually engulfed by the relentless God he created ". "毛泽东thought" that 刘少奇 co-invented and created in 1940s is still poisoning the modern China's culture and proceeding.

Lin Biao was a man with more male-lish bones. They chose to confront / flee from Mao. Hua Guo-feng is a also a true leader with his swift and courageous decions to crush Mao's wife and nephew and their gangsters even Mao just died less than one month !

Looks like you have a mind-set of enjoyment of " Violent Revolution", which is not strange because it was exactly the essence of 毛泽东thought. However, I am still not clear about your stance of Mrs. Jiang Qing ( Mao's wife). In your articles, you bragged Jiang Qing enthusiastically but you also showed you are happy about the fall of " Gang of Four". A true Maoist should be absolutely an admirer of Comerade Jiang Qing.
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