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送交者: 嵐少爺 2015年04月16日18:42:48 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話

Russia may resume implementation of the contract for delivery of S-300 air defense systems to Iran in case UN Security Council (UNSC) removes sanctions against Teheran, RIA Novosti reports with reference to CEO of the Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade (CAWAT), Igor Korotchenko.

Earlier countries of the Big Six (five permanent members of UNSC and Germany) and Iran agreed on major terms and conditions of the future agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. One of these terms – removal of unilateral sanctions against Iran imposed by USA and EU. In his own turn Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov said that UNSC must also remove arms embargo against Teheran.

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“Removal of sanctions against Iran, including arms embargo is the logical decision. The key contract for Russia in this situation is the one for delivery of S-300 air defense systems to Iran. Implementation of this contract may be resumed provided that Moscow and Teheran will be able to agree on its terms,” Korotchenko said.

The expert reminded that earlier Russia offered Iran deliveries of Antey-2500 air defense systems in place of S-300, however, Teheran insisted on implementation of the already signed contract.

Member of the State Duma’s Defense Committee Franz Klintsevich believes that the implementation of the contract between Russia and Iran may be continued if the arms embargo is removed.

“Of course, embargo will be removed and this fact will help us resolve the situation. I must admit that deliveries of S-300 system, even its export version, have its own aspects,” Klintsevich said.

According to him, these aspects are connected with the fact that it is the world’s best air defense system. “No matter what USA, France or UK say, they do not have similar systems. Of course, this system is closely watched. I do not know the details, but I think that more protocols related to S-300 systems will be signed,” he explained.

Klintsevich believes that “USA is keeping a close eye on deliveries of such air defense systems”.

In 2007 Russia signed contract worth around $800 million for delivery of five divisions of S-300 PMU-1 air defense systems to Iran (40 launch stations). Sanctions against Iran imposed by USA and EU put the contract on hold. After that Iran filed a $4 billion lawsuit against Rosoboronexport with the International Court of Arbitration (Geneva). Russia offered to settle the lawsuit by means of delivering Tor-M1E systems. However, Teheran was not satisfied with this offer.

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