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送交者: 嵐少爺 2016年03月29日20:53:20 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話
As I reported in his interview to the end of 2015. General Director of JSC "Zelenodolsk Plant named after AM Gorky "(included in the JSC" Holding company "Ak Bars") Renat Mistahov, nine ongoing construction at the plant for the Russian Navy small missile ships of the project 21631 (code "Buyan-M"), only five (introduced commissioned ships with serial numbers 631 to 635) received the expected project German diesel engines MTU 16V4000M90. Further delivery of MTU engines has been suspended due to the introduction of the European Union sanctions against Russia in 2014. 


High-speed marine diesel engineproduction CHD622V20 Chinese companyHenan Diesel Engine Industry Co., Ltd, acquired for equipment built for the Russian Navy small missile ships of the project 21631 (c) Henan Diesel Engine Industry 

In view of this the other four MRC project 21631 (serial numbers with 636 on 639), are in the stage of construction, with the term of delivery Zelenodolsk Russian Navy in the years 2017-2019, should have diesel engines in China. From the known data, it should be High-speed 20-cylinder marine diesel engines CHD622V20 3200 kW power class manufacturing enterprises of Chinese Henan Diesel Engine Industry Co., Ltd (HND, located in Jianxi District of Luoyang City, Henan Province, is a member of the Chinese state Shina Shipbuilding Corporation Shipbuilding Industry Corporation - CSIC). 

Enterprise diesels NHD was commissioned in 1958. Since the 1980s, it produces diesel engines under license from the German company Deutz-MWM, and since 2007 - as the engines under license from MAN B & W Diesel AG. Nevertheless, CHD622V20engine, certified at the end of 2013, stated as a fully NHD own development, with full intellectual property rights. 

In September 2015, Chinese sources saidthat the NHD was awarded contracts from the Russian customer for the supply of eight engines CHD622V20 (that is, for two ships of the project 21631). Supplier HNDCHD622V20 engines for the Russian Navy ships serves the St. Petersburg LLC "Marine Propulsion Systems". December 25, 2014, it announced that concluded with a COMP ANIES Henan Diesel Engine Industry Co, Ltd. "Specializing in the production of high-quality marine engine series TBD604BL6, TBD620V8, V12, V16,CHD622V20 and diesel generator sets,"exclusive agency (dealer) agreement "to supply Henan Diesel Engine Industry Co, Ltd. of equipment on the territory of the Russian Federation." According to theagreement, "Henan Diesel Engine Industry Co, Ltd. is committed to providing full technical / commercial support and after sales service for the engine and diesel generator sets, as well as spare parts for OOO" Marine Propulsion Systems "and their contractors." 

In tabular characteristics HNDCHD622V20 engine bp compared with diesel MTU 16V4000M90 has a long duration maximum power (3129 kW vs. 2720 kW) and a larger number of turns on the long-term maximum output (2300 vs. 2100), with comparable fuel efficiency (198 vs. 209 grams of fuel per kilowatt at one o'clock). 



Production of high-speed marine diesel engines CHD622V20 Chinese companyHenan Diesel Engine Industry Co., Ltd (a)Henan Diesel Engine Industry 
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