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我認識朱成虎 他談話絕對不是失言(中英對照)
送交者: bebe99bebe 2005年07月25日11:18:31 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話

朱成虎關於核武器的狂言 我認識朱成虎 他談話絕對不是失言

2005-07-24 07:44:35 點擊:3007

Zhu Chenghu's blunder on nuclear bombs


● By Charles F. Hawkins


As rational humans we generally like to think that everyone can get along in a peaceful way while seeking better lives for our children and ourselves.

But once in a while an event or utterance by a national official brings us back to reality - the world is not inherently a peaceful place.

Such was the case this past Thursday when Major General Zhu Chenghu, a dean at the prestigious National Defence University in Beijing, coolly stated that China would have to resort to the use of nuclear weapons in a war with the United States over Taiwan.

So much for the “peaceful rise of China.”

Although an official spokesman for Beijing repeatedly emphasised that Zhu's comments were his “personal opinion,” there is ample reason to believe that Zhu is not the only senior officer in China who holds this viewpoint.

I know Zhu Chenghu. We had dinner together two years ago with another PLA general. He's a soft-spoken, logical man, and has an excellent command of English, one of the reasons he supervises instruction at NDU for English-speaking foreign military students.

His words about using nuclear weapons against the US in a war over Taiwan were not a mistake.

Since before March 2004, when Taiwan held national elections what were highly contested on several points—Chen Shui-bian won by a narrow margin and his constitutional re???? initiative failed to receive enough votes to count - I have detected among Chinese defence analysts and military elites a growing concern over war with the United States over Taiwan.

That concern has been expressed to me in two ways: one, China will go to war against Taiwan if it declares independence; and two, if the United States intervenes, China has the capability to win, regardless of US capabilities.

But win by using what? Nuclear weapons?

Such an idea, if enacted, is sure to backfire and wreak devastation on China. US planners in Pacific Command in Hawaii take such wartime considerations seriously, and make war plans accordingly.

First use of nuclear weapons by China in a war with the United States would be met with overwhelming response.

I shudder to think of the consequences. Shanghai, a city I have come to love and appreciate, would be wiped from the coast of the sea. Beijing, a world-class city that will host the 2008 Olympics, would cease to exist.

More importantly, I would lose many friends - people in China whom I care about deeply.

What must Zhu Chenghu have been thinking?

For one thing he was thinking about the many wargames that Chinese defence analysts and PLA planners have conducted to study consequences of a nuclear war with the United States.

These wargames, conducted in secret and unpublicised to the Chinese public, explore different “what if” scenarios. What these wargames don't explore is the attitude of the American people if they are attacked, especially by nuclear weapons.

Nothing would keep Americans from seeking a full measure of retribution.

One is left to ponder why Zhu Chenghu would make such a pronouncement in the first place. Clearly he understands the American psyche and knows enough about military affairs to realise that PACOM has the ability to dominate China in either a conventional war or a nuclear one.

It can only be that the general was speaking on behalf of other factions in Beijing, factions that want to send a message to the United States over their deep-seated desire to gain control over Taiwan.

I'm sorry that the man I enjoyed dinner with feels this way, or, if he does not, that he was ordered to make such an outrageous statement in the first place.

The policy of Washington on the matter of China-Taiwan is very simple and direct: If China attacks Taiwan, the United States will help defend it. This includes a nuclear war, if it comes to that.

And I hope for all our sakes that it does't.

The writer is a senior defence analyst in Washington, D.C.and a frequent visitor to Asia. He contributes this article to Lianhe Zaobao.







  自從台灣去年3月備受爭議的總統選舉後——憲法改革計劃並 沒有獲得足夠支持的陳水扁以微差獲勝——我就察覺到中國國防 分析人員和解放軍高層越來越關注中國會因為台灣同美國開戰的問題。














·作者Charles F. Hawkins是美國資深防務問題分析家。此文專供本報發表,葉琦保譯

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