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送交者: 岚少爷 2015年05月27日21:25:16 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话

China’s Naval Abilities Test Asia’s Insecurities

Beijing plans to expand naval operations at a time of rising regional tension

Updated May 27, 2015

China’s promise to beef up its navy to prevent further “meddling” and “provocative actions” by rivals in the South China Sea is a daunting prospect for many of its neighbors, which already view Beijing’s fast-improving armed forces with trepidation.

The Philippines contests some of China’s claims in the South China Sea, but it has virtually no modern military equipment with which to defend its maritime territory.

Vietnam, another rival claimant, is in better shape: It is already investing in some impressive capabilities, including modern fighter jets, submarines and land-attack cruise missiles, all from Russia. But even after these new weapon systems are in place several years from now, Beijing would still enjoy overwhelming superiority in any confrontation with Hanoi.

China’s ability to overcome its other potential rivals—notably Japan and the U.S.—is more debatable, however. The People’s Liberation Army has around 2,100 fighter or bomber aircraft in its hangars, according to the U.S. Department of Defense, but only a few hundred of those can really be considered modern aircraft. The country’s only aircraft carrier—though a quantum leap forward for the Chinese navy—is still seen mainly as a practice platform paving the way for a future carrier fleet.

And both China’s air and naval forces are still learning how to operate and project power far away from their own coast. The airstrips China is building in the South China Sea aren’t simply a luxury—the PLA air force needs them to sustain operations hundreds of miles from the mainland.

Soldiers on a Chinese missile frigate participate in ‘Exercise Maritime Cooperation 2015’ in the South China Sea in this May 24 photo. ENLARGE
Soldiers on a Chinese missile frigate participate in ‘Exercise Maritime Cooperation 2015’ in the South China Sea in this May 24 photo. Photo: Zuma Press

As a recent Pentagon review of China’s military modernization drive noted, however, “China is investing in capabilities designed to defeat adversary power projection and counter third-party—including U.S.—intervention during a crisis or conflict.” In practice, that means hundreds of ballistic and cruise missiles positioned near the coast to deter Japanese or American warships from coming anywhere near Chinese territory. China has a substantial submarine fleet as well, piling on more risk for enemy ships.

The U.S. Navy’s Carrier Strike Group 5, based in Yokosuka, Japan, is still way ahead of the competition when it comes to projecting power across the Asia-Pacific region. And Japan’s navy, with a fast-growing submarine force of its own, is still a match for China’s. Yet Beijing’s impressive missile forces give it a distinct home advantage.

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