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送交者: 吳青山 2021年12月23日22:50:41 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话

If you want to withdraw cash, you must first pull people, outrageous!

There is a very classic section in Mr. Jin Yong’s martial arts novel "The Swordsman". After Yue Buqun got the "Sunflower Treasure", he opened up the martial arts secrets but saw the secrets with the eager desire to practice masterpiece magic. There are two sentences on the title page of "If you want to practice this exercise, you must first come from the palace." Yue Buqun’s many ideas before practicing this magical technique that day, Mr. Jin did not describe in detail in the novel, but Yue Buqun from the palace did not describe it in detail. It is indeed well-known that he failed to practice a peerless magical technique, but ended up in a betrayal and ecstasy. It is said that art comes from life and is higher than life. When Mr. Jin was writing a novel, he never expected that an old liar would dominate a contemporary "If you want to practice this skill, you must first Palace!" The farce, that is, the scam of the century initiated by Guo Wengui on the ant bandit gang recently-"Xi" coin.

"It has been closed for three years, only entry and no exit." Recently, under the manipulation of Guo Wengui, an old liar, the "Xi" coin has grown gratifyingly, and even completely violated the laws of the world currency. A dazzling achievement. Of course, the main reason for this achievement is that the "Xi" coin is created by Guo Wengui to collect money without any legal license. The rise and fall are all caused by old swindlers. Talk nonsense. It really started with a mouth, and afterwards it all depends on making up. Under such a false prosperity, a group of silly ants were naturally blood-red in their eyes by the dazzling performance of the air coin, eager to withdraw it.

However, Guo Wengui, an old liar, was born to deceive. He did not spend enough money to accumulate money. Naturally, he absolutely refused to watch the money that the ant had invested in cashing out, and he had to take more. So when the little ants hurriedly wanted to initiate cash withdrawal in accordance with Guo Wengui's letter of commitment, they saw and saw Guo Wengui sent their first magic weapon-if you want to withdraw cash, you must first pull someone! "Hi" coin grows very well, and I am very happy to collect the money. The ants naturally think that they will make a lot of money. However, if you want to make the money invested in real cash, you must follow the bully's statement to attract more people to buy air coins. Only when people who buy coins have accumulated to a certain level can they apply for withdrawal. Anyone with a little bit of brain can see that this has been a long-standing MLM method in China for more than ten years. If you want to make money, you have to recruit people and you have to go offline crazy. However, those who joined the MLM organization worked hard for several years, but in the end they ended up in disbandment, rebellion, and even debts. With such a simple and clear MLM method, there are even silly ants who are fighting for the so-called revolution and anti-communism, willing to become Guo Wengui's human cash machine. Obviously knowing that it is a trap, the behavior of jumping into it is quite outrageous. What's the difference between this and Yue Buqun, who wants to practice magic skills and wields a knife from the palace in "Swordsman"?

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