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Destiny of Chinese people
送交者: 金无明 2023年08月01日10:34:05 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话

----- Forwarded Message -----                 From: To: Cc: "Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 10:32:16 AM CDTSubject: the destiny of Chinese people Re: Chinese are fools to think they can negotiate with the US

Destiny of Chinese people

These issues were deep rooted in the Deng (XP) era and were caused by the gang of Deng and his followers.    

This  gang have long since sold their souls to the Imperialists, and their family interests are hooked up with the Imperialist not the Chinese people.    

Until some day this gang of Deng could be completely cleaned up, all will sustained.    

So hold you breath, this is the destiny of Chinese people.    
 (From google translator:    



------ Original Message ------
Received: Tue, 01 Aug 2023 10:04:18 AM CDT
From: To:
Subject: Chinese are fools to think they can negotiate with the US

Hi  ,                      

It is very strange China leaders still reluctant to  decouple from US and focus on economic development in Eurasia , India ,  Africa and South east asia.                      
Why the Chinese leaders never understand the mentality of the Anglo super elite is their killer instinct like a predator ?                      

China have already got all the technology they need  to build their own civilisation of the future and have more then enough  military firepower to defend against military attack by combined  American and European forces.                      
China have $20 trillion internal savings in their banks. Are these not enough to decouple from US ?                      

What does the China leaders want still wanting to  continue trading with the US, who are now very determined to destroy  China by  hook and by crook ?       

The Anglo super elite worship Satan. They are full  of psychopath and sociopaths high IQ humans. It is best not to trade  with these evil humans.                      
                                 The US has to have an enemy, to keep the economy going  and the peasants occupied. The US has been mostly at war since it was  created, the country is built on war.                        The US is a predator, it kills  to live, no deals are possible, the Russians and Chinese are fools to  think they can negotiate with the US.                      

Either Russia dies and China becomes a vassal, or the US dies.          

Below is a speech from the movie Patton, and it exemplifies the American mind.

Patton (1970) - Opening speech [HD]          


Patton (1970) - Opening speech [HD]




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