玉兔月球车死而复生: 看看美国CNN的震撼评论 |
送交者: 三把刀 2014年02月14日21:57:42 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话 |
“玉兔”号月球车已全面苏醒,恢复到休眠前正常的信号接收状态,但机构控制异常的故障仍在分析排查中。探月工程新闻发言人裴照宇13日说:“玉兔是以非正常状态进入睡眠的,我们原来担心它无法承受月夜极低温度,但它活过来了!它起码还活着,就有救过来的可能性。” 新华社还发布了一个嫦娥三号月球探测器的新浪微博的截图,在当地时间周四上午08时49分,他问道:“hi,有人在吗?”
然而,他将恢复其为期三个月的任务,并继续研究月球表面的潜在资源的消息,重新燃起了他在中国和世界各地的粉丝的希望。嫦娥探测系统的副总设计师告诉中国广播网,技术团队仍然在试图确定问题的来源并进行维修工作。 如果玉兔全面复苏,他可能超越另一个太空探索的成就,即美国宇航局的机遇号火星车,目前仍在探索这颗红色星球,远远超过其设计寿命。
网民评论 ―――――――――――――――――― kalman133 ? 4 hours ago chinamust have launched someone up there to kick it 中国一定是发射了个人上去踢了他一脚。
Midkingdom kalman133 ? 41 minutes ago Accordingto Chinese mythology, a guy called Wugang is there being punished chopping thetree. I guess he took a rest and fix it. 在中国神话里,有个被罚在月亮上砍树的人叫吴刚。我猜就是他在休息时修好了玉兔。
―――――――――――――――――― Raven Openheart ? 2 hours ago I'm gladto see actual pictures of the moon from Jade Rabbit. I believe this rover willprove without a doubt the Apollo landings were fake. It was a good con jobwhile it lasted, but eventually the truth had to come out...most governmentallies take about 50 years to expose. But I know how this will play out...JadeRabbit will be fake, it's not really on the moon...it's all being created in asecret Chinese television studio some place...American Politicians would neverlie! The truth is about to come out. 我很高兴能从玉兔那看到真正的月球照片,我相信这个月球车可以毫无疑问地证明阿波罗登月是假的。这个谎言保持得很好,但真相总会水落石出的。大多数政府谎言大约需要50年才能公开,但我知道接下来会怎样——玉兔是假的,他并不真的在月球上…他完全是在中国某个电视摄影棚里秘密创造出来的…美国政府是永远不会撒谎的! “真相”很快就要“只有一个”了。
guest ? 9 minutes ago Chineseare very smart, they do not choose the same landing site for a reason. They donot want to find out anything. 中国人很聪明,他们不选择相同的着陆点是有原因的。他们不希望证明任何东西。
MDAT ? 32 minutes ago Sarcasm? Lss你这是讽刺?
―――――――――――――――――― FyshGrrL Elizabeth ? an hour ago It'sbaa-aack! 他复!!活!!了!!!!! I'mactually glad to see that Jade Rabbit made it through lunar night. It alwaysseems like such a tragedy when years of research and planning, not to mentionmillions of dollars, go into a project and something goes catastrophicallywrong before anyone gets to use the thing. We (the USA) have a dead lander on Marsbecause one team measured in English and the other in metric -- and no onerealized until it hopelessly wrecked the landing. For all the high-technologyand super intelligent people involved with this kind of exploration, things DOfall through the cracks. It's so great when, despite that, it works anyway! 我真为玉兔撑过月夜而高兴。谁都不愿意看到一个积累了数年研究和计划——更不用说成千上万的钱了——的项目在没有获得回报之前就出现毁灭性的错误。我们(美国)曾有过一个失败的火星探测器,因为研究人员中一帮人用的英制测量单位而另一帮用的是公制。谁都没有发现这个错误,直到它绝望地坠毁。对于所有参与这种探索的高科技高素质人才来说,玉兔发生这种故障确实是他们疏忽了,但不管怎样,玉兔能复苏真是太好了!
MDAT FyshGrrL Elizabeth ? 33 minutes ago I agree.People screw up. It is alive, and that is good. 我赞同。人类搞砸了,但他还活着,这就是好事。 JPL: Weneed to burn at #### lbf per second? LockMart:What do you mean lbf per second? I told you to give us units in newtons! MarsClimate orbiter connection is lost. JPL: *-* LockMart::( (这是关于ls那个火星车的小剧场) JPL(喷气推进实验室):我们需要以每秒####磅燃料来燃烧? LockMart:谁叫你用磅的?我告诉过你单位是牛顿! 火星气候轨道器连接信号丢失。 JPL:* - * LockMart::(
―――――――――――――――――― me_me ? 3 hours ago I amwondering how complicated it could be to catch signals coming from space, orfor that matter, from such vehicle 我想知道从太空中捕捉信号到底有多难,或者就事论事,就说捕捉这个月球车的信号好了?
Hank me_me ? 2 hoursago Actually, not verycomplicated to catch, if you know where to look for them, decrypting them mightalso present a problem. even if the data istself is not encrypted, you'd stillhave to reverse engineer the protocol they are using. then again, if you hadall that, you could remote control it if you wanted, so its probably not goingto be all that easy for u to glean much from it, unless they were really lazyabout their security (which they might be!) 实际上,如果你知道从哪里寻找的话就不难捕捉到,但解密会有问题。即使数据本身不保密,你也要逆向工程他们使用的协议。如果这你都做到了,你就可以按你想的远程控制他,所以想收集玉兔的信息并不那么容易,除非工作人员对他们的安保措施很松懈(也许他们真是这样呢)。
―――――――――――――――――― budadahal ? 3 hours ago "Jade Rabbit"must have discovered soy sauce in moon. So it is replenished. 玉兔一定是在月亮上发现了酱油,所以他康复了。
WebWhip budadahal ?39 minutes ago Ba-Ha-Ha. You so fonny. 哈哈哈,你太搞了。
―――――――――――――――――― Le Thi Be Bay ? 2 hours ago Did some Japanese helpthem ? Japanese citizens butroot from China... ;) 是不是有日本人在帮助他们? 根在中国的日本公民科学家… ;)
Daniel Lee Le Thi BeBay ? 2 hours ago Japs? why do I hearingdogs barking? 日本人?为什么我听到了狗叫?
―――――――――――――――――― Gol1ath ? 2 hours ago Made in China 中国制造
他们应该发射两个,这样他们就能像兔子一样繁衍下去了。 |
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