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學唱“貓王”經典: It's Now or Never
送交者: Serena藕花深處 2024年10月13日21:36:44 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話


It's now or never

Come hold me tight

Kiss me my darling

Be mine tonight

Tomorrow will be too late

It's now or never

My love won't wait

When I first saw you

With your smile so tender

My heart was captured

My soul surrendered

I spent a lifetime

Waiting for the right time

Now that you're near

The time is here, at last

It's now or never

Come hold me tight

Kiss me my darling

Be mine tonight

Tomorrow will be too late

It's now or never

My love won't wait

Just like a willow

We would cry an ocean

If we lost true love

And sweet devotion

Your lips excite me

Let your arms invite me

For who knows when

We'll meet again this way

It's now or never

Come hold me tight

Kiss me my darling

Be mine tonight

Tomorrow will be too late

It's now or never

My love won't wait

It's now or never

My love won't wait

It's now or never

My love won't wait

It's now or never

My love won't wait

  藕花的英語歌我喜歡聽!贊!  /無內容 - 一荷 10/17/24 (6)
  五輪真弓這首戴表作好聽 - 茜西 10/17/24 (15)
    很好聽!天高地遠的感覺!會很耐學! - Serena藕花深處 10/17/24 (8)
  ought Now, must'nt Never ~~  /無內容 - 歌哥 10/17/24 (8)
    謝歌哥賞聽!“我的太陽”通俗英文版!  /無內容 - Serena藕花深處 10/17/24 (6)
  祝賀“龍騰虎躍”活動圓滿成功, 加國感恩節快樂!  /無內容 - Serena藕花深處 10/14/24 (9)
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