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******Musica Plenti 留言簿*******
送交者: 笑菡 2008月11月12日02:30:58 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 纪念汶川地震半周年 - 西人中英文合唱【天佑家园】(短片)笑菡 于 2008-11-12 02:02:33
这是 Musica Plenti 写给中国朋友信。 给Musica Plenti请用英文,谢谢大家!

Dear Chinese Friends:

We are a small vocal chamber ensemble. Formed in Connecticut in 1987, Musica Plenti members are professional singers who combine solo virtuosity with sensitive ensemble singing. Our repertoire covers a wide range of classical music from madrigals and motets to opera and modern American music.

God Bless Our Homeland was brought to our attention by a Chinese friend after the tragic Sichuan earthquake. The poetry, the music and the video clips of the earthquake scenes so deeply moved us that we decided to perform this song as the finale of Musica Plenti’s Twentieth Anniversary Concert. God Bless Our Homeland is a simple song of haunting beauty. It is a fitting end to our concert which celebrates the common bonds of our humanity and calls us all to become one with each other.

We believe strongly that music has a special role to play in binding people together. Musica Plenti is honored to be given this privilege of directly bridging a cultural gap between societies. Our performance is one small contribution expressing solidarity with our brothers and sisters in China and emphasizing what unites us.

God bless our homelands!

Musica Plenti


  My heart and soul are deeply - 树烨子 11/15/08 (254)
  Great job! Thanks! - yulan 11/14/08 (242)
  Thank you,Musica Plenti!!! /无内容 - 似水柔情 11/14/08 (229)
  Wonderfual! Very touching! - 红琴 11/14/08 (247)
  Deeply moved by theperformance /无内容 - 初来乍到~ 11/14/08 (268)
  Deeply moved! /无内容 - 希阳 11/13/08 (215)
  Your singing and performance - 古钟 11/13/08 (244)
  It is said that no boundaries - chinese_wolf 11/13/08 (235)
  Very beautiful and touching! - 琴岛 11/13/08 (263)
  Thank you, Musica Plenti,your - TaofromNJ 11/13/08 (327)
  Thank you for the wonderful - 红岭 11/13/08 (220)
  Shed light on humanity - liv4lov 11/13/08 (302)
  Thank you Musica Plenti! - 蓝河 11/13/08 (303)
  My dear Friends, - 一唱 11/12/08 (277)
  Musica Plenti,you are great! /无内容 - Ruilai 11/12/08 (239)
  great job fantastic thank you - 荷塘晓月 11/12/08 (215)
  You are so wonderful! - JR98 11/12/08 (234)
  Musica Plenti, - Yani 11/12/08 (249)
  Thaks you all! - kyra0429 11/12/08 (280)
  You are all wonderful! - 秀竹 11/12/08 (268)
  标新立异,英中文唱,谢谢你们的好心肠! /无内容 - 3haoqi 11/12/08 (223)
  Thank you very much! - 三月梅 11/12/08 (300)
  Thank you,Musica Plenti, for - wind~ 11/12/08 (264)
  Thank you very much for your - shanxi1 11/12/08 (240)
  I will remember you forever - 老中关村 11/12/08 (318)
  Thank you Musica Plenti !!! - cankao 11/12/08 (274)
  Think you!!Perfect performence /无内容 - 玉米糊 11/12/08 (287)
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